Paul Foster directs Anna-Jane Casey as Annie Oakley and Ben Lewis as Frank Butler, with Nicolas Colicos (Buffalo Bill), Mike Denman (Pawnee Bill), Lauren Hall (Winnie Tate), Matthew Malthouse (Foster Wilson), Timothy Quinlan (Charlie Davenport), Cleve September (Tommy Keeler), Maggie Service (Dolly Tate), Karl Seth (Chief Sitting Bull), and completing the ensemble, Josh Andrews, Ronan Burns, Emma Caffrey, Matthew Croke, Omari Douglas, Rosie Fletcher, Melissa James, Jasmine Kerr, Natasha Mould, Jak Skelly, Leah West and Emma Woods (ensemble and Dance Captain). The production opens on 14 December, with previews from 8 December, and runs until 14 January. Check out photos from rehearsals below!
Sharp shootin', smart talkin' Annie Oakley is a force to be reckoned with. But when she's pitched against the charming, fiercely competitive Frank Butler, has she finally met her match?
Aimed straight at the heart, Irving Berlin's sensational musical from the Golden Age of Broadway includes such classics as There's No Business Like Show Business, Anything You Can Do and I Got The Sun In The Morning, as well as whip-cracking choreography from Sheffield favourite, Alistair David.
Photo credit: Johan Persson