TOTEM traces the fascinating journey of the human species from its original amphibian state to its ultimate desire to fly.
The characters evolve on a stage evoking a giant turtle, the symbol of origin for many ancient civilizations. Inspired by many founding myths, TOTEM illustrates, through a visual and acrobatic language, the evolutionary progress of species. Somewhere between science and legend TOTEM explores the ties that bind Man to other species, his dreams and his infinite potential.
Check out photos from the London premiere below!
Photo Credit: Jonathan Hordle/Rex / Rex USA
Gregorio Marsiaj and Eva Herzigova
Freddie Highmore
Eva Herzigova and Gregorio Marsiaj
Esther Rantzen
Adrian Lester and Lolita Chakrabarti with daughters Lila and Jasmine
Guest and Amanda Lamb