Celebrating its 40th anniversary the London International Mime Festival, directed by Helen Lannaghan and Joseph Seelig, is a unique event in the theatre calendar, a once a year chance to see very best and newest contemporary visual theatre that embraces cutting edge circus-theatre, mask, physical theatre, object theatre and puppetry.
Over 34 days, 17 invited companies will give 120 performances of productions that are almost all UK or London premieres, at the Barbican,Southbank Centre, Central Saint Martin's Platform Theatre, Jacksons Lane, The Peacock, Soho Theatre, and, for the first time, Shoreditch Town Hall. Artists from Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Norway, Spain, Finland and New Zealand, will be joining some of Britain's fast emerging talents, as well as established names.
Full programme details, including workshops and after-show discussion dates will be available online at www.mimelondon.com from mid October.
For now, you can read more about the festival here.