The Barbican presents the UK-premiere of Robot, a multimedia spectacle which explores the relationship between humans and machines. Choreographed by Blanca Li and performed by Blanca Li Dance Company, the show premiered in 2013 at the Montpellier Dance Festival and has since played in over 100 theatres. It has just received Best Modern Dance Show at the Lunas del Auditorio awards in Mexico and following its Barbican run, Robot continues its world tour to China and Israel.
Check out photos from the show below!
Full of invention, wit and mischievous humour, Robot sees eight agile dancers share the stage with seven personality-infused NAO humanoid robots which talk, see and respond to human interaction. As each mimic the others' characteristics, dancers and robots become almost interchangeable, their movements driven by the sound of an imaginatively designed self-playing mechanical orchestra created by Maywa Denki.
Choreography and direction by Blanca Li
Music by Tao Gutiérrez and Maywa Denki
Set design by Pierre Attrait
Lighting by Jacques Chatelet
Video by Charles Carcopino
Costumes by Armando Sanchez and Maywa Denki
Robot programming by Thomas Pachoud
Musical machines by Maywa Denki and Yoshimoto Creative Agency
NAO robots by Aldebaran Robotics
Dancers Yacnoy Abreu Alfonso, Rémi Benard, Iris Florentiny, Yann Hervé, Africa Manso, Margalida Riera Roig, Gaël Rougegrez and Yui Sugano
For more information, visit
Photo credit: Roy Tan