The Unrest Cure is a new comedy by Simon Godziek and Rob Groves, set in 1932 and inspired by the work of P.G. Wodehouse. It will have its world premiere at Pentameters Theatre, Hampstead, from Tuesday 8th to Saturday 26th November.
Cecilia and Ernest Huddlestone lead a rather mundane life at their private hotel in Chickerell, West Dorset. That is until the day that a conversation is overheard by chance by Charlie and Virginia, a brother and sister looking for a diversion, and Cecilia and Ernest's lives are turned upside down forever! What is the real identity of the new guests at the Sea View Hotel? Will Ernest's cat survive a brush with Mr Schrödinger? Do honey-stealing bears live in West Dorset? What happened to Virginia and Charlie's parents outside the Staines branch of Timothy Whites? And what exactly is an Unrest Cure anyway?
Tickets: £12.00
(£10.00 concessions)