Peaceful Lion Productions will present a production of Rosie's Magic Horse, directed by Ollie Fielding and featuring music by John Chambers and design by Eleanor Field, as part of this year's Brighton Fringe, running today 2nd - 4th May, 10:30am 5th May, 4:00pm at The Warren, St Peter's Church North, York Place, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 4GU.
Peaceful Lion Productions present an adaptation of Rosie's Magic Horse based on the book by Russell Hoban and illustrated by Quentin Blake for children aged 3 to 8 and their adults at The Warren as part of the Brighton Frigne this early May bank holiday weekend.
Little Rosie collects ice-lolly sticks and puts them in an old cigar box. As Rosie dreams of helping her parents pay off the bills her stick collection dreams of becoming something greater. And so, at the stroke of midnight, magic and dreams collide and a horse gallops out of the cigar box! His name is Stickerino. "Where to?" he asks. "Anywhere with treasure!" she answers. There begins an adventure like none other: ice-lolly mountains by the sea, caskets of gold, and scurvy pirates.
A heart-warming tale of aspiration, friendship, adventure and a little bit of mischief accompanied by catchy songs, this is the perfect treat for young children.
Peaceful Lion Productions was founded in 2006 to produce stylish and bold productions for audiences of all ages and has an excellent track record of producing fantastic new theatre for children. "Engaging and entertaining" (Salisbury Journal on Bringing Down the Moon) "The actors engage and inspire their young audience... An hour of fun" (The Guardian on The Enchanted Castle).
Tickets: £8.50 / £7.00 (cons) Family ticket: £28
Phone: 01273 987 516
Performance schedule:
May 2nd 10:30am
May 3rd 10:30am
May 4th 10:30am
May 5th 4:00pm
Running time: 50 minutes.