In a rather unusual pairing, stage a screen star Paul O'Grady and former Bay Watch babe Pamela Anderson will be sharing the role of Genie in a pantomime production of Aladdin at the New Wimbledon Theatre. The prouction will run December 4 - January 10. Stage veteran Brian Blessed will play the evil Abanazar. New Wimbledon Theatre and First Family Entertainment are producing the Christmas spectacular.
In a change to usual tradition, and in what New Wimbledon Theatre believes to be a first in Pantomime history, the role of the Genie of the Lamp will be played by celebrity guest stars. They will be supported by a core cast which is headed by renowned actor, author and adventurer Brian Blessed who will be doing all he can to stop their magical intentions by playing the evil Abanazar - the ultimate villain determined to outsmart our hero.Best known for her role as CJ Parker in ‘Baywatch', and one of the most photographed women in the world, Pamela Anderson will be playing the role of the Genie of the Lamp for two weeks only. Bringing a whole new take on the same role will be comedian and chat show host king Paul O'Grady who will be playing the role in the New Year, in a return to Pantoland for the first time since since 2005.
Says O'Grady: "I am really excited to be back in panto this year having not done one for some time. This is also the first time I'll be playing a goodie as I've been the villain in most of my other stage roles. Having made a living frightening children it's probably time I aired my softer side. If I can find one in time".