Following the success of last year's musical comedy The Snow Queen, Under The Bridge will once again transform into the ultimate Christmas destination offering a weekend of family-friendly festive spirit away from the bustling crowds of the west end.
Taken from J.M. Moore's children's classic, Peter Pan follows the story of a boy who could fly as he embarks on adventures packed full with mermaids, pirates, fairies, crocodiles and everything in between. Under the Bridge's adaptation is a poignant, funny and original 60-minute production where every child can be involved in the magic; a perfect way to get the family geared up for the festive season.
Peter Pan will run three times a day from 11am on 7th and 8th December. Tickets start at £15 and are available from
Under The Bridge is uniquely stylish west London music venue, with full wheelchair access and parking on-site.