"Fear is a dark, ugly cannibal that lurks at the heart of everything, no matter how we try to crush it. It's a harsh world we live in, but it is ours...You can call me Mr Spindrift. But you know that already."
In a desolate block of government-owned accommodation, Archie and Isaac are waiting to be 'certified' in a radical government scheme which requires a series of unsettling tests to determine just how strong Archie and Isaac's relationship is. If successful, they unlock a better standard of living; if not, they can never see each other again.
Overseen by examiners Iris and Valentine, it is not long before they start to doubt everything about their time together and as they begin to realise some uncomfortable truths about themselves, they will not only have to face each other but the mysterious figure of Mr Spindrift who presides over all.
Nancy Netherwood is a playwright from South East London and a recent graduate of the University of East Anglia's Creative Writing Programme. She has taken part in projects for young people with the Almeida and Royal Court, and earlier this year was chosen for The North Wall Arts Centre's artist development programme Catalyst, as well as the Pint-Sized Theatre longlist 2018. This is her second play.
"I've always been interested in horror as a way of exploring our deepest fears and darkest traumas: the best horror cuts right to the heart of what it means to be a person by means of monsters, murder and blood splatters - or in this case, an intense government interrogation which decides your whole future. Archie and Isaac's nightmare is one based in universal fears: that we're not good enough, that our government will betray us and that The One might not be The One. Thus I hope you enjoy this, my chilling dystopian horror."
Since the dawn of time, human beings have told scary stories to confront their fears of what may be lurking under the bed. Adding their own unique twist to tales of humour, horror and fantasy; 'Les Enfant Terribles' 2018 Award Nominess, Danse Macabre Productions aim to make the dark that little bit lighter. With their 'bloody tongue-in cheek' style, innovative staging and surreal experimentation with genre, they promise it'll be a 'danse' you'll never forget. (Note: Please don't expect dancing. You wouldn't want to see that. Trust me.)
Danse Macabre Productions Presents:
Goodnight Mr. Spindrift by Nancy Netherwood
24th-27 April 2019, 7.30pm
Old Red Lion Theatre,
418 St. John Street,
London, EC1V 4NJ
Full Price £12.00. Concessions £8.00.