Needless Alley, Live at LICA and Camden People's Theatre present "" by Needless Alley, playing 2nd & 3rd June, 9pm at Camden People's Theatre, 58 - 60 Hampstead Road, London NW1 2PY. For tickets, click here or visit for more information. Running Time: 45 mins.
We are a mess. Our political systems are a mess and benefit only a small few. We are unrepresented and told to endure it. We don't want to endure it. So where do we go from here? What do we do now?
Post-rock performance troupe Needless Alley present, an ongoing collaborative performance piece that occupies the space between a theatrical performance and a live musical show. Beginning with a conversation between friends, addressing our shifting perspectives on the state of the nation, our right to privacy and social preconceptions of gender and class, the conversation evolves from two individual's perspectives to explore hypothetical realisations of our collective ideals, immersing the audience in possible outcomes and leading them through an abstract world of possibilities. Mixing spoken word, improvised sound design and dance; develops from a moment of intimate, candid conversation into a multi-platform, collective exploration of all-too-familiar dogmas, political rhetoric, belief systems and social injustices.
Devised and performed by Xavier de Sousa, Karine Rathle, Ollie Godwin & Joseph Garwood. Produced by Xavier de Sousa & Alex Murphy.
Needless Alley is a performance company which focuses on the exploration of artistic bonds on stage, focusing on mixing the concepts of a live music show and a theatre performance. Formed in 2013, our work has been shown at Camden People's Theatre, Roundhouse, Brighton Dome, Live at LICA, Latitude Festival, Battersea Arts Centre, Old Vic Tunnels, Southbank Centre, King's Head Theatre, amongst others. For more, go to or follow on Twitter @needlessalley.