Michael Frayn's riotous backstage farce Noises Off will have a short run in central London this autumn, thanks to the City's premier amateur theatre company, Sedos. Noises Off plays from 15-24 October at the Bridewell, just off Fleet Street, where Sedos is the resident theatre company.
The show lifts the curtain on the backstage drama of a touring theatre company as they stumble their way through rehearsals to a shambolic first night and a final disastrous performance. It's a world where doors get stuck, sardines go missing, actors become glued to props, scantily-clad women search for lost bags and lines are dropped nearly as frequently as the leading man's trousers. Noises Off was first performed in 1982 starring Patricia Routledge and Paul Eddington. In a testament to its enduring popularity, it has been put on numerous times since, including a 2000 revival at the National Theatre with Patricia Hodge and Peter Egan. In the most recent professional production, at the Old Vic in 2011, Celia Imrie and Robert Glenister headed up the cast. "I first remember seeing an amateur production of Noises Off when I was in my mid-teens and thinking that it was the funniest play I'd ever seen," says director Matt Gould. "Even then, I was heavily involved backstage in theatres and I remember watching things go wrong both from a technical point of view, as well as the cast relationships being so close to the real amateur world, was so funny that I just couldn't stop laughing."Videos