Westcountry comedy duo Living Spit will premiere their brand new Christmas show Living Spit's Beauty and the Beast this weekend, in front of a live audience after Bristol was moved from Tier 3 into Tier 2, allowing live performances to take place once more.
The heroic optimism and positivity of the duo meant they had been hard at work preparing both a live production for an in-person audience, alongside a version of the show to stream digitally into people's homes.
On hearing the news, Bristol
Old Vic's Artistic Director
Tom Morris said: "Living Spit have been heroic in standing by with their brilliant comic Christmas extravaganza Beauty and the Beast, waiting to see whether Bristol would end up in tier 2 and live performances would be able to start again in Bristol. I have to salute the fortitude and generosity of Living Spit who more than any other theatre company I know revel in the company of a live audience. They have been waiting in the wings for this moment and will be rushing to meet the public with all the glee and generosity that their are many fans know and love them for."
Living Spit's Producer Ali Robertson continued: "We are relieved and delighted that we can bring festive fun to the people of Bristol this Christmas. A Christmas show at Bristol Old Vic is a treasured experience for many and we're excited to be working with them to keep the tradition going this year."
Living Spit's Beauty and the Beast will take place live in the theatre from Saturday 19 Dec, 2.30pm matinee and also 8.30pm (including a digital live-stream for those dates).
For anyone who would still prefer to stay nearer to home at this time, or for those who are remaining in Tier 3, the show will also be available on demand via the Bristol
Old Vic website.
You can book via the website: www.bristololdvic.org.uk/whats-on/living-spits-beauty-and-the-beast
The classic French tale of Beauty and The Beast tells of a bright and beautiful young woman who is taken prisoner by a beast in his castle. She learns to look beyond the Beast's hideous exterior and realise the kind heart and soul that lies within.
The enormously popular Living Spit stars Howard Coggins and Stu McLoughlin. Howard is beautiful. There's no escaping that. But then so is Stu. In fact, Living Spit is widely known as the most physically attractive two-man musical comedy theatre company in the South-West. However, in this tale as old as time one of them will have to portray an ugly, foul-tempered beast. But which one will it be?
In addition to the live shows, Bristol
Old Vic are continuing to provide a range of streamed and on-demand productions. This includes, Beauty and the Beast live streams (Friday 18 Dec 8pm, Saturday 19 Dec 2pm and 8pm); as well as on-demand availability of The Flying Lovers of Vitebsk which is available to view until Friday 18th December and Bristol
Old Vic at Home Season 2, which includes The Grinning Man, Messiah, A Christmas Carol, The Night that Autumn Turned To Winter, and Swallows and Amazons. Season 2 is available until 28 Feb 2021.
Also available from 20 Dec is Angels In Bristol, a truly Bristolian version of the Greatest Story Ever Told - providing nine short stories involving schools and communities across Bristol, which is available free of charge. The first story will be made available on 20 December and then daily up to and including 28 December.
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