Upstanding Productions brings the 10th anniversary production of Leo Butler's raw and devastating Faces in the Crowd to the White Bear Theatre in March, examining the impact of 21st Century social and financial crises to the ordinary lives of a couple trying to make their way.
When Dave moved south to London he left behind his family, wife Joanne and mounting financial woes in favour of a playground of riches, sex and shopping. 10 years on and Joanne wants payback...with interest. Faces in the Crowd offers an insight into 21st century London and the debts we accrue in the wake of seeking out our ambitions. Upstanding Productions' aim is to make inclusive, accessible theatre and film that focuses on the unheard voices, stories and issues of marginalised groups; making the marginalized mainstream. Previous shows have enjoyed critical acclaim at Riverside Studios, the Park Theatre and recent sell-out at The Tabard Theatre, Alan Ayckbourn's Time of My Life.Videos