Acclaimed horror author and critic Kim Newman has been confirmed as the celebrity judge of the second annual STAGE FRIGHT horror writing competition.
STAGE FRIGHT is an annual competition searching for the finest short horror radio dramas from across the world. It's open to writers of any age and experience level, with three shortlisted entries being performed and recorded live by the Wireless Theatre Company at a special event on October 14th. Kim will be present at the event, and will choose one of the three entries to receive the André de Lorde Award for horror writing - named for the infamous French playwright of the macabre.
Kim has been a leading light of horror criticism and UK horror literature for many years, with his multi-award winning Anno Dracula series and acclaimed short story collections making him the perfect choice for Stage Fright's second year.
Last year's event saw inaugural judge, Rocky Horror's Richard O'Brien, present Jeremy Fielding with the award for his M R James satire 'The Sacred Amethyst of Myanmar'.
STAGE FRIGHT takes place on the opening night of the third London Horror Festival, an annual celebration of horror in the performing arts that this year runs from 14th - 31st October from its home at the Etcetera Theatre, Camden. The London Horror Festival offers a platform for companies and performers to come together to present a range of theatre, performance, comedy, music and interactive experiences in the run-up to Halloween.
STAGE FRIGHT will be accepting new entries until August 15th - full details can be found at The festival is also still open for applications from theatre companies and performers (until July 14th). Full details and online application form available from the website at
The full line-up for this year's event will be released at the beginning of August. STAGE FRIGHT 2013 - 14th October - Etcetera Theatre, Camden - 7.30pm.
STAGE FRIGHT is performed and recorded live by the Wireless Theatre Company ( an award winning Production Company dedicated to keeping the art of radio theatre alive in the digital age. A recording of the entire STAGE FRIGHT will be made available from the Wireless Theatre Company website soon after the event.