The show opens on 20 December, with previews from 19 December, and runs until 26 December.
Paul-Ryan Carberry, Artistic Director of Iris Theatre today announces Leda Douglas as Holly in The Snow Queen: An Online, Storytelling Adventure, adapted and directed by Natasha Rickman. The production, part of the company's previously announced inaugural winter season, opens on 20 December, with previews from 19 December, and runs until 26 December.
"When we get to the end of the story, you will know more than you do now"
Stories get delivered to Holly's door and then...she tells them. Easy! Right? Except today a new story has been delivered but it's freezing cold, so cold in fact that Holly can't even open the pages. She's going to need a bit of help with this one...and that's where you come in!
From the comfort of your home, join Holly this Christmas for a magical, snow-filled adventure, inspired by the classic fairy tale 'The Snow Queen'. Clap your hands, make some magic and join in with the whole family, wherever they are in the world.
Iris Theatre presents this interactive, online, storytelling adventure for audiences aged 4+ and their big people. Using innovative new technology by to bring the characters to life on screen, this exciting, interactive production sees families participating in the story, helping Holly in her adventure. Alongside the show, families can download a free activity pack filled with fun games and craft ideas based on the show.
The technology for the production is coordinated by early career Tech Operator Orion Slater, and Sound Design is by Matt Eaton.
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