Wolverhampton Grand Theatre has announced plans for a major refurbishment due to take place in the summer of 2016 with a grand opening in the autumn. The project will massively improve the front of house areas, enhance the visitor experience and increase the city centre night time economy.
Plans for the refurbishment of the stalls bar and foyer are now complete and the Theatre Board has decided to extend this exciting development across the entire front of house area with one spectacular project. The work will take place during the theatre's traditional summer dark period* in 2016 and will therefore not affect the line up of entertainment in the planned season.
The new project will be funded jointly by the Black Country and Wolverhampton LEP and the Grand Theatre. A further fundraising campaign is currently being planned by the theatre's development team which will be launched in September.
The theatre is also looking for corporate sponsors to support the refurbishment. The fresh approach to the front of house areas will make the Grand Theatre a great destination venue in Wolverhampton to entertain both on and off the stage...
Project Manager Spencer Duvall and Designer Grant Bushell have finalised plans for the stalls Foyer and the Encore Lounge (previously stalls bar) and they will continue to work on the extended project in the coming months.
Chief Executive Adrian Jackson said, "I am delighted we are able to extend our refurbishment project to include the whole front of house area. Enhancing the Theatre in this way will greatly improve the customer experience and will ensure the Grand not only continues as a celebrated Theatre venue, but also becomes a popular daytime and early evening destination for socialising and intimate performance within the heart of the city centre".
"This project is part of our strategic business strategy, which in light of the councils recent announcement regarding reductions in the Theatre grant funding is even more imperative for the theatre. Investment now will increase our income potential in the longer term"
"The next twelve months are going to be extremely exciting for the theatre and we look forward to welcoming everyone to enjoy our varied line up of entertainment. We hope as many people as possible will contribute to the continuing history of our wonderful Theatre".