The production opens 7 October at the Bernie Grant Arts Centre.
Heather Agyepong's powerful new solo performance The Body Remembers explores how trauma lives in the body, particularly for Black British women across different generations. Through a unique and compelling relationship between the audience and artist, it creates a collective cathartic experience.
Created & performed by multidisciplinary artist & actor Heather Agyepong, The Body Remembers features interviews of Black British women in trauma recovery. The performance is inspired by the therapeutic practice of Authentic Movement with Agyepong as The Mover and the audience as The Witness. Featuring dynamic projections and an immersive soundscape which help the audience to re-discover the power of self-reflection as the start of recovery and healing. Co-created by Imogen Knight (movement) and Gail Babb (dramaturgy), The Body Remembers creates a space for audience and artist to attend to themselves and each other.
7, 8, 9 October
Bernie Grant Arts Centre
20 - 23, 27 - 30 October, 1 - 4 November
Battersea Arts Centre
12, 13 November
Tobacco Factory Theatres and In Between Time, Bristol