In July 2015, three individuals (Rebecca Applin, Gus Gowland and Jennifer Whyte) and one team (Matt Winkworth and Chris Bush) received a bundle of anonymized first-hand accounts of experiences in A&E departments in England. Taking inspiration from moments in the prompts, they created short musicals.
The pieces are now having their world premiere (in a programme of all four musicals with one interval) at the LOST Theatre, from tonight 3 through 21 November 2015. Opening night is 5 November 2015.
Asia Osborne and Jeremy Lloyd Thomas are directing, with Nathan Martin serving as Musical Director. ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES is being produced by Sue Knox for This Stage Limited.
The four members of the cast - Sharon Ballard, Nadeem Crowe, Daniel Hall and Jenny Perry -- each appear in at least two of the pieces. Crowe brings a unique perspective to the project as a doctor who also works as an actor.
Tickets are £19.50 (£14.50 for concessions), with a group rate of £15.00 per ticket available for groups of 8 or more. Seats at the previews on 3 and 4 November are priced at £12.50. Booking fees apply. Further information regarding the show is available at