Peepshow is the story of seven little lives in one large city...
Peepshow delves into the complicated lives of seven individuals residing in the same London high rise, as they navigate their life in the capital. Originally staged by internationally renowned Frantic Assembly, and written by Isabel Wright (Guilt) Peepshow is directed by Creative of the year by creative review magazine Adam Morley (Baroque Theatre Company). Frank and candid, the production explores the hidden truths behind the doors we pass every day and the hitches that come with humanity.
The production stars creator of Fat Cat Creatives, (Lizabeth Venezia), as the fiery George. Stuck in her mid twenties, her irksome behaviour is triggered when she suspects boyfriend Ben (Rory Graham) is cheating on her. From the outside, life appears to be normal, but look through the keyhole and you will find a tantalising flash of reality.
The cast also includes Celine Abrahams (Sharon), Austin Caley (Richard), Sophie Couch (Sara), Caitlin McMillan (Loner), and Nicole Michelle (Kate).
Perched on the edge of the Regent's Canal is the home of the award-winning Canal Cafe Theatre. The intimate 60-seat renowned comedy and theatre venue has over the years helped launch some of the biggest names in the comedy world ranging from John Oliver to Miranda Hart to The League of Gentlemen.
Playing a strictly limited season at the Canal Cafe Theatre from 14-22 July 2017.
Watch a promo for the show below!
peepshow from elizabeth venezia on Vimeo.