Following the success of this year's inaugural season of new musical theatre, Katy Lipson of Aria Entertainment and Robert McWhir of The Landor Theatre are delighted to announce that applications are now open for the second From Page To Stage season from today 11 February - Saturday 8 March 2014 at the Landor Theatre.
From Page To Stage is a season of new musical theatre dedicated to the showcasing of work in development to an audience, to garner feedback and create new opportunities for the artistes involved. The 2014 season will present a mixed programme of work at different stages of development, performed by a repertory company.
Expanding on the format of the 2013 season, From Page To Stage 2014 will present:
A new British musical - to headline the season and run for one week in a fully staged production | A new American musical - to run for 3 performances, celebrating new work from America | A concert musical - a musical specifically intended to be performed in concert format | A classical cross-over/opera piece - to showcase the musical variety within the genre | Showcases - parts of musicals in development, presented with minimal staging | Rehearsed readings - full shows in development, read from scripts.
This year, From Page To Stage will also programme a musical commission - a single performance of some new musical theatre material commissioned especially for the season. Details of how to apply and a brief will be announced later this year.
Katy Lipson said today: "Both Aria Entertainment and the Landor Theatre are thrilled to repeat this year's extraordinarily well received 'From Page to Stage' season, but with a difference! Next year's festival will have a dedicated repertory company of performers, 3 directors and 3 musical directors, working across a whole variety of projects over a 4 week period. Our aim is to provide an environment in which writers can develop, benefiting from having their work staged for a live audience, and the support and feedback this will encourage. February/March 2014 at the Landor will be a destination for new musical theatre."
Applications for all spaces within the festival are open from now until Monday 30 September 2013.