Education, Education, Karaoke is the story of the division that wealthy politicians built into state education.
Armed with a state education, a karaoke machine and a dance mat, an unrehearsed guest performer takes a nostalgic romp through the last 20 years of education and pop music. Education, Education, Karaoke follows one class from 2000 through to 2020, and as every year goes by the guest performer chooses a number one hit song from that year which is matched up with either a monologue, karaoke challenge or dance mat routine. The choices that are made change how the show turns out, so every night is unique, it's up to the audience to decide who goes to university, who passes their exams, and who slips through the cracks of a broken system.
Education, Education, Karaoke is the story of the division that wealthy politicians built into state education. Through this choose your own tacky adventure, BAP! asks how we might all come back together in solidarity. Bringing together a production team and cast of performers all of whom have been through the state education system, guest performers will include Yasmin Dawes (Tuesday), Anne Odeke, (Wednesday), Adam Karim (Thursday). Meanwhile Friday and Saturday's performance will also include a post-show karaoke party and will be hosted by Lauryn Redding and Kate Butch respectively. Education, Education, Karaoke was originally developed as part of Camden People's Theatre's Starting Blocks.
Tom Ryalls said, "I didn't want to make this neat show about state education because that world isn't neat, so I decided it was going to put it all on a karaoke machine. I'm really inspired by tacky aesthetics, I think political theatre can take itself really seriously sometimes and I wanted it to be messy and camp. I know it's got a lot of politics in but I'd really love for people to come and have a really fun night. It's not an essay, it's a karaoke show, I'd love for people to come along with a group of friends, have a drink and have a laugh at all the funny stories it contains."
Tom Ryalls is a writer, fundraisers and organiser who is on a mission to change who gets to imagine the future. Earlier this year their production of Can You See Into a Black Hole? ran outdoors in Covent Garden to rave reviews and they will soon be creating their first show at The Barbican. BAP! is a company they are creating to manage their projects, bring together theatre shows, community projects and professional development schemes.
Founded 27 years ago, Camden People's Theatre is one of Britain's most influential studio theatres. Its mission is to champion different ways of thinking about the world by supporting emerging artists making adventurous theatre - particularly about issues that matter to people now. Its work is rooted in the communities of Camden and London. Through it, they celebrate the bold, the spirited and the unconventional.
Performances run 23rd - 27th November.
Tickets: | 020 7419 4841