Members of Darlington Hippodrome staff entered the St Teresa’s Hospice Santa Fun Run and exceeded their fundraising target by over 500%.
Several staff members from Darlington Hippodrome along with their families and some pets donned full Santa costumes to run in this year's St Teresa's Hospice virtual 5k Santa Fun Run. With an original fundraising target of £250 the team has been overwhelmed with the current amount raised now standing at £1,275 and still rising.
At this time of the year the staff at the theatre would be making preparations to welcome thousands of local families to the annual Darlington Hippodrome festive pantomime during which audiences would be encouraged to drop some loose change into collection buckets to help raise much needed funds to ensure the Hospice can reach their required £1m annual running costs.
Sadly the Hippodrome pantomime had to be postponed due to the Covid 19 outbreak so staff at the theatre set up a Just Giving page for people to sponsor the Hippodrome team on their run to make sure the Hospice did not lose out this winter.
Jane Bradshaw, Chief Executive of St Teresa's Hospice said "The Hippodrome team are super expert at running shows and amazing productions and now they have shown their expertise at running in a completely different way... dressed up as Santa in aid of St Teresa's Hospice! We are so grateful for their support through all the collections they have made in the theatre in the past and this latest effort is truly wonderful. I can't wait for the time when we're all back in the theatre showing our support for them too!"
Councillor Andy Keir said "It was so disappointing to hear that this year's Hippodrome pantomime had to be postponed but I am so thankful to the staff at the theatre who have raised this fabulous total for St Teresa's Hospice who offer such a valuable service to the people of Darlington."
To donate to the Darlington Hippodrome running team in support of St Teresa's Hospice please visit