Ella Hickson's critically acclaimed dark comedy about suicide, Boys, comes to the LOST Theatre, Stockwell, this November. This new revival is directed by James Thacker, new associate director, following his full-length directorial debut, Mojo by Jez Butterworth, at LOST in 2015.
On an unusually hot summer's night, Benny and his band of compatriots - a punk, a prodigy and a poet - drink to the end of an era. With revolution and resolutions the order of the day, and time quickly running out, Benny just wants to fix everyone's problems - and ignore his own demons at all costs. Amidst a sanitation strike in Edinburgh, the garbage keeps mounting, but there is more than the smell of rotting rubbish hanging in the air. Nostalgia soon turns to soul-searching and division as everyone's dirty laundry is aired one last time.
Ella Hickson's first play, Eight, produced by the Edinburgh University Theatre Company, won a Fringe First, the Carol Tambor Best of Edinburgh Award and the NSDF Emerging Artists Award at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2008, with subsequent tours to New York and London. Boys debuted in 2010 at the Soho Theatre, produced by Headlong. Her current play Oil premiered at Almeida in October 2016.
James Thacker joined LOST in 2013 as a designer and costumier, and since then has progressed to become associate director with the company. His directing credits include Omar for the 5 Minute Festival, Harold Pinter's The Dumbwaiter for the One Act Festival, and Jez Butterworth's Mojo in his full length directorial debut in 2015.
BOYS by Ella Hickson
Performance Dates November 23rd 2016 - November 26th 2016
Press Night: Nov 24th 2016, 7.30pm
Wednesday - Saturday, 7.30pm
Running Time 150 mins (including a 15 min interval)
Age Limit 12+
LOST Theatre, 208 Wandsworth Road, London, SW8 2JU
Ticket Price £15/£10 (concessions)
Box Office LOST Theatre (losttheatre.co.uk), 020 7720 6897