With the closure of schools, cancellation of exams and the recent extension of lockdown regulations, the coronavirus outbreak has resulted in a period of massive upheaval for teenagers around the world.
As social isolation and uncertainty about the future further complicate an already challenging period in their lives, the pandemic presents a real risk not only to the physical, but also to the mental health of our young people.
However, one new initiative which has recently begun in Coventry is hoping to address some of these concerns by bringing teenagers together online and providing a space for them to explore and creatively share their own experiences of the lockdown.
Developed by London-based youth theatre Company Three, the Coronavirus Time Capsule is a week-by-week project that has now been made available to groups of young people from across the world. Every week, groups located in countries from Scotland to Kenya, Brazil to Croatia and Australia to the Netherlands will be creating videos responding to a series of themes or prompts.
In Coventry, a local group is currently being facilitated by the Belgrade Theatre in partnership with Grapevine - a local charity that supports a range of people from Coventry and Warwickshire experiencing isolation, poverty and other disadvantages.
Each week, the two organisations will be posting a new video offering a window into the worlds of 20 young participants, showing them at home, with their families and in their rooms. Topics explored will include things like home life, school, exercise and friendship. By the end of the lockdown, the group will have created a cumulative time capsule for anyone to watch - and for the participants to look back on and remember this extraordinary time.
The first video created by the Coventry group has now been published, and is available to view on the Belgrade's website, via its Between Stages hub at wwww.belgrade.co.uk/between-stages. Those interested can look out for further updates on the page or on the theatre's social media channels.
Ned Glaiser, Artistic Director of Company Three, said: "We are so excited that Grapevine and Belgrade Theatre have joined with this huge network of youth theatres, schools and other youth groups to create their own Coronavirus Time Capsule. We know that the shutdown is particularly difficult for teenagers, living with all that the pandemic has brought and missing out on key rites of passage in their education and emotional development. So we wanted to provide something to provide support, connection and a space to be heard - and a chance to connect with teenagers in similar situations all over the world."
Hannah Barker, Creative Producer at the Belgrade Theatre, added: As part of our commitment to stay connected with our wonderful participants, audiences, friends and supporters at this uncertain time, we at the Belgrade wanted to use this opportunity to collaborate with our partners at Grapevine to explore new models of creative engagement. We are curious and excited about where it could lead as we all go on an experimental journey together!
The Coronavirus Time Capsule is available for free to youth theatres, educational institutions, student drama groups, amateur companies and community arts projects everywhere. It includes a 20 page blueprint, online working resources and other online materials. Groups can start now, or join later in the process.
The project has been created by Company Three, published in association with Nick Hern Books and developed in partnership with the National Association of Youth Theatres, Scottish Youth Theatre, Youth Arts Network Cymru, the Unicorn Theatre and Central School of Speech and Drama. For more information, visit the Company Three website at www.companythree.co.uk.