Hi Deborah - what an amazing array of talent at the LSF - how on earth did you get them all together?!
I met Martin Dockery, an itinerant storyteller from New York, at The Adelaide Fringe Festival. He turned up with no posters, fliers or publicist and got five-star reviews and won the Critics' Choice Award. We all loved him and his nightly stories and I wanted him to come to London and perform. I decided to team up with Sarah Bennetto, who produces and hosts The Storytellers' Club, to put together a festival on the back of that. We raided both of our little black books to get some amazing performers and then word spread and people started contacting us - this festival really has its own momentum.
Is there one particular performer you're most looking forward to?
I can't wait to see Martin Dockery's new show Bursting Into Flames on Saturday night. I'm also excited about seeing Harry Shearer and Mark Thomas at the Gala. I will also love watching Thom Tuck improvise stories at Voices In Your Head on Friday night - this is like Sophie's Choice with twenty children. Don't make me pick!
Your quote in the press release about social media being a form of storytelling is interesting - what's the best story you've seen told on social media?
I think the story of my friend's baby growing up is wonderful. The pictures, videos, first words, first steps, illness, joys and triumphs - it's like I'm there, even though the baby's in New York and I've never met him.
Your own show 'How to Get Almost Anyone to Want to Sleep with You' is a fascinating concept - what gave you the idea?
I had an epiphany that sexy was all in the head. I suddenly understood how to "turn that on" and really just had to share it. And what kind of research did you have to do for it?! Live life! I do a lot more flirting these days.
What are your top tips for singletons?
For girls - wear a hat. The hat says, "I don't fear attention. It's okay to flirt with me." And it gives guys their opening line. Count how many "Nice hats" you get in a day. For guys - keep your head stiller when you speak. Look in a mirror and try saying "My name's Bond, James Bond" with a moving head, then with a still head. Still head is way sexier. But don't forget to smile - or you can look a bit Silence of the Lambs! The rest you'll have to come and find out at my show at Leicester Square Theatre on Oct 12, Nov 9 or Dec 12!
London Storytelling Festival runs at Leicester Square Theatre until 10th October - see www.londonstorytellingfestival.co.uk
Deborah performs ‘How to Get Almost Anyone to Want to Sleep with You' monthly at Leicester Square Theatre from 12th October