BORDERLINE is a devised, clown-based comedy about the Jungle, featuring European and refugee performers from Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine and Sudan. The show was devised by an ensemble of 13 refugee and European performers and directed by Sophie NL Besse.
Returning on 28th September 2017, the performance will be followed by a Q&A and live acoustic music in the foyer.
Borderline was nominated for the Grassroots champion category for the community integration awards.
PSYCHEdelight started this project after a year of volunteer work and workshops in Calais. There, we discovered that clowning enables us to explore complex and often brutal issues through poetry and humour. This playfulness also enables us to highlight the plight of the estimated 1000 unaccompanied children who are currently in Calais.
Directed by Sophie NL Besse, with the insight of Frank Würzinger, a professional clown, and ensemble work by Rémy Bertrand, co-founder of 'Imprology'. The show is both in English and in the refugees' diverse mother tongues.
For more information visit