Written by Cat Kolubayev and directed by Jessica Daniels, Resident Director of Girl From the North Country, Bin Juice will have its world premiere at VAULT Festival this March. This all-female dark comedy is a story of loyalty, revenge and secrecy. A new job at a hazardous waste removal company means Belinda's going to have to get her hands a little dirty.
Francine and Marla are on the hunt for a new hazardous waste removal apprentice. Having just escaped a life of misfortune, Belinda walks in, ready for her interview. The position isn't quite what it seems and the advert may have missed a few pertinent details. Showing the nasty side of an already filthy job, someone is about to find themselves in a very sticky situation.
Kolubayev comments, I've always had a curiosity for the underground crime scene. It began as a kid when I'd go to Russian Orthodox Church twice a year for Easter and Christmas and there was always this group of people that arrived at around two in the morning, stood way away from everybody else and looked pretty suspicious. Everyone knew who they were but no-one seemed to mind. There are a lot of movies and plays about this scene, created by some of my favourite writers - Tarantino, Scorsese, McDonagh - but most of the writers are male and feature predominantly male casts. There's a significant lack of roles for women in this genre, and I wanted to close the gap, to give them the opportunity to be as funny, selfish and savage as male characters get to be. There are different ways to champion women and this is my way: writing plays for women that aren't about being a woman. In this case, it's about suspicious bins and dodgy employers.
Creating a rare opportunity for women to tear up the stage, Bin Juice romps about with mess and grime and dirt and selfishness, crime and mobs and savagery. In a world that feels close to ending, we are left with a news cycle and a media landscape full of people many may want to tie up, throw in a bin bag and leave for someone else to take care of.
Tickets are available priced £10.50 from https://vaultfestival.com/ or 020 8050 9241.