This limited engagement, multimedia musical is an epic tale of the greatest story ever told, spanning over three decades of history. Written by Shenandoah Valley native Colt Nutter, this original script is a Christmas tale brought to life with elaborate costumes and makeup, giant rolling sets, live animals, and a musical compilation like none other. The realism is further enhanced by a giant projection screen that is built into the system.
The production is set to debut at the Valley Baptist Church Theatre in Edinburg, which opened in 2008. Writer, Director, and Executive Producer Colt Nutter weaves together four different stories that all converge in a momentous final scene. Matthew Smith, music director for the production, is a graduate of Shenandoah Conservatory and currently teaches in the area. Nutter brings to the stage Luis Rincon, who has played in a number of Nutter's other works since 2006. Daniel Zacharias also returns to the stage playing a lead role in one of the four stories. The cast list is particularly large, enlisting a crew of nearly 40 singers, actors, handlers, and techs.Videos