Following two critically acclaimed shows earlier in the year, the Back to the Musicals series returns to The Pheasantry on Sundays 30th September 2012 and 11th November 2012, celebrating a selection of songs from a wealth of wonderful musicals from way back when.
Back to the Musicals 1950 – 1955 on Sunday 30th September will feature songs from shows such as Calamity Jane, Singin' in the Rain, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and TheKing & I.
Back to the Musicals 1955 – 1960 on Sunday 11th November will feature songs from shows such as My Fair Lady, High Society, The Music Man, West Side Story and The Boyfriend.
Up and coming performers from the world of the West End explore the rich and varied back catalogue of musical theatre's biggest hits (and misses) from each period, with a plethora of show tunes and a smattering of musical theatre history. Profiling a chronological five-year period in each show, Back to the Musicals is an encyclopaedic journey through the art form.
Alongside the many musical gems from yesteryear, each Back to the Musicals show features its own specially commissioned theme song, written by the award-winning contemporary musical theatre composing team of Jake Brunger and Pippa Cleary, whose acclaimed credits include the sold out Jet Set Go and The Great British Soap Opera at Jermyn Street Theatre.
Back to the Musicals is devised and directed by Jennifer Coyle with musical direction by Nicholas Chave.
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