Following their critically acclaimed inaugural production of Spring Awakening in April this year, Assembled Junk Productions announce their next project, a three week professional fringe production of Alan Menkin and Howard Ashman's cult classic musical Little Shop of Horrors. The production will be running Tuesday 3rd - Sunday 22nd of December 2013, with press night set for 5th December at 7 p.m.
Little Shop of Horrors is acomedy horror rock musical, about a hapless florist shop worker (Seymour) who raises a plant (Audrey II) that feeds on human blood and flesh. The musical is based on the low-budget 1960 black comedy film The Little Shop of Horrors, directed by Roger Corman. The music, composed by Menken in the style of early 1960s Rock 'n' Roll, Doo-Wop and early Motwon includes several well-known tunes, including the title song, 'Skid Row (Downtown)', 'Somewhere That's Green' and 'Suddenly, Seymour'.
Little Shop of Horrors is the second production by Assembled Junk to re-imagine the theatrical space above the Salfordian pub, and will also mark the debut production for James Baker as Artistic Director of The King's Arms a position he has recently taken up. The space has had a turbulent past, but James has a unique vision for turning the space into the best fringe theatre in Greater Manchester.
"It's our intention to show Manchester what can be achieved with artistry and sheer hard work. Venues like The Landor in London prove this. I am delighted at being offered and taking up the position of Artistic Director of The King's Arms, and am already planning my first season of productions for the venue, Little Shop of Horrors marks the first show to be programmed and I am excited to announce more shows very soon."
James is also adamant that the talent should be sourced and found locally, giving a real stepping-stone for local performers.
"Why should we force our talent out of the north when we can support and nurture their talents where they live? Assembled Junks mission is to give them that opportunity without having to compromise what they have already established, I am delighted that several of the cast of Spring Awakening went on to even bigger jobs through the success of the show."
Tickets for the show go on sale at 10am on Friday 14th June - casting for the production will take place soon.
Performances will play The King's Arms, Bloom Street, Salford. Previews: 3rd, 4th December at 7:30pm. Evening Shows, 7:30pm: 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th,13th,14th,15th, 17th18th,19th,20th, 21st,22nd December. Matinee Shows, 2:30pm: 7th, 8th, 14th,15th,21st, 22nd December. Press Night: Thursday 5th December - 7:00pm. Ticket Price: £12 (£10 Concessions). Box Office: Ticketweb on 0844 4771 000 or online at