Inspired by 1984's Kerry Babies scandal. A dark, comic take on a time in Ireland when "The most dangerous place to be was in a woman's womb" Bishop Joseph Cassidy. The play is dedicated to women who have suffered at the hands of mistaken ideologies, particularly those who have suffered the loss of a child. And it's also funny, because the Irish, despite everything, are.
"Never sit on a boy's lap unless you have the thickness of a telephone directory between you"
AND THE ROPE STILL TUGGING HER FEET written and performed by CAROLINE BURNS COOKE was awarded an Argus Angel and numerous Five Star reviews in Brighton 2016 and received more accolades in Edinburgh that year. Revived for VAULT and Henley Arts Festivals in 2017 this unmissable show now tours to London Buxton Manchester and York
Argus Angel Award for Outstanding Theatre Nominated Fringe Guru award for Outstanding Theatre
Director Colin Watkeys has directed many legendary and award winning performers
including Ken Campbell Claire Dowie and Jack Klaff.
London - White Bear Theatre
July 2nd and 3rd at 7pm
138 Kennington Park Rd, London SE11 4DJ
Buxton - Underground at The Old Clubhouse.
July 17th at 5.30pm July 18th and 19th at 4pm
Manchester - 53two Theatre
July 29th and 30th at 4pm
Great Yorkshire Fringe - The Tea Pot
August 1st at 7pm
Ventnor Isle of Wight Trinity Theatre
Auust 8th and 9th at 8pm