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Nardis Jazz Club Slates November 2017 Lineup

By: Oct. 24, 2017
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Nardis Jazz Club has announced its upcoming shows ( Rezervasyonlariniz icin PAZAR haric hergun saat 15.30'dan itibaren kulubu arayabilirsiniz. Lütfen programda olabilecek de?i?iklikler için güncellenmi? web sayfam?z? ziyaret ediniz.


1 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Çar?amba (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

Hakan Behlil Quintet

?enova Ülker (tp), Önder Focan (g), Kaan B?y?ko?lu (p), Hakan Behlil (b), Deniz Dündar (d).

1954′te ?stanbul'da do?du. Alman Lisesi y?llar?nda müzikle tan??t?. Okul orkestras?ndan profesyonele dönü?en "Dönü?üm" grubunda çald?. Gitarist olarak 1970′li y?llarda iki ayl?k Romanya-Bulgaristan turnesi ile ilk ciddi i?ini ald?. 1980 ba?lar?nda Paris okul y?llar?nda "Gunsmoke" adl? raggae grubunda davulcu olarak çal??t?. Türkiye'ye döndükten sonra Okay Temiz ile turnelere ç?kt?. Emin F?nd?ko?lu, Tuna Ötenel, Fatih Erkoç, Hasan Kocamaz, Levent Çoker, ?enova Ülker ve Murat Verdi ile "Euphony" adl? grubu kurdu. Türkiye'ye gelen birçok yabanc? cazc? ile çald?. Bunlar?n aras?nda Chet Baker'?n özel bir yeri vard?r.

Giri?: 40 TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

Hakan Behlil was born in 1954 in Istanbul. He got interested in music while he was studying at the German High School. The band he played with in high school, 'Dönü?üm', got signed later on. His first serious job as a musician was a tour in the 70's. He toured Romania and Bulgaria as a guitar player. He played the drums when he was a student in Paris with the reggae band 'Gunsmoke'. After coming back to Turkey he toured with Okay Temiz. He formed the band 'Euphony' with Emin F?nd?ko?lu, Tuna Ötenel, Fatih Erkoç, Hasan Kocamaz, Levent Çoker, ?enova Ülker and Murat Verdi. He played with a lot foreign jazz artists who came to Turkey, including world-famed Chet Baker.

Music Charge; 40.-TL

2 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Per?embe (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

An?l ?all?el & Friends

An?l ?all?el (as), Koray Üsgülen (p), Cahit Kutrafal? (b), Alpdo?an Türeci (d), Konuk; Gülçin Ergül (vo), ?lyas Yalç?nta? (vo).

Müzikal yolculu?una 8 ya??nda babas? saksofoncu Mümin ?all?el'in te?vikiyle ba?layan An?l ?all?el, profesyonel kariyerine 14 ya??nda ba?lad?. 15 ya??ndayken Dave Weckl'n da yer ald??? Orhan Osman projesi Turkophony ile sahnedeydi. Kavela, Effective Band, Onur Mete Band, Ercüment Vural Band, ?stanbul Superband, A?k?n Arsunan Jazzino Band'le çal??malar yapan An?l ?all?el, popüler müzik sahnesinde de Göksel, Volkan Konak, Teoman, Yal?n, Manga, S?la, Mehmet Erdem gibi isimlerin performans ve albüm kay?tlar?nda yer ald?.

2010 senesinde London College of Music s?nav?n?n Türkiye aya??na girip derece ile mezun olan ?all?el, ayr?ca birçok jingle ve film müzi?ine de nefesini verdi.
2012 ve 2013 y?llar?nda What da Funk Project'le Kelli Sae, Omar gibi uluslararas? üne sahip ?ark?c?larla konserler veren An?l ?all?el, Dünya Caz Günü özel etkinliklerinden biri olan Nicola Conte konserinde konuk müzisyen olarak yer ad?. An?l ?all?el saksofon ve flüt çal?yor.

Giri? 40.-TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

An?l ?all?el's music journey started at the age of eight with the support of his father Mümin ?all?el. He started performing professionally at 14 and was a part of Orhan Osman's 'Turkophony' project alongside Dave Weckl. He performed with bands and artists including Kavela, Effective Band, Onur Mete Band, Ercüment Vural Band, ?stanbul Superband and A?k?n Arsunan Jazzino Band. He also performed and recorded with pop music artists like Göksel, Volkan Konak, Teoman, Yal?n, Manga, S?la and Mehmet Erdem. In 2010 after taking the entrance exam of London College of Music in Turkey he started studying and graduated with honours. In 2012 and 2013 with What da Funk Project he performed with world renowned vocalists Kellie Sae and Omar. He was also a guest musician in the Nicola Conte concert which was an event for the International Jazz Day. An?l also performs for jingles and film scores both as a saxophone and a flute player.

Music Charge: 40.-TL

3 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Cuma (22:30-01:30) - scroll down for English

Ceyda Köyba??o?lu Quartet

Ceyda Köyba??o?lu (vo, b), Yahya Dai (s), Koray Üsgülen (p), Burak Cihangirli (d).

?stanbul'da do?du. Müzi?e olan ilgisini küçük ya?larda piyano ile ke?fetti. ?stanbul Avni Akyol Anadolu Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi'nde klasik gitar ana sanat dal?nda liseyi tamamlad?.Okulun düzenledi?i konserlerde yer ald? ayr?ca Türkiye Güzel Sanatlar Liseler aras? yar??mada klasik gitarda birincilik kazand?.Modern müzi?e olan e?ilimi nedeniyle üniversite e?itiminde enstrüman seçimini bas gitardan yana kulland?.2002 y?l?nda Bilgi Üniversitesi Caz Bas Gitar Performans Bölümü'ne tam burslu girdi.Okulda ?mer Demirer, Selen Gülün, Raci Pi?mi?o?lu, Kür?at And, Donovan Mixon, Cengiz Baysal ve Ricky Ford ile çal??t?.Üniversite ?enliklerinde, festivallerde ve çe?itli mekanlardaki konserlerde yer ald?.Daha sonra,Türkiye' de sahne alan Keisa Brown ile tan??t? ve geri vokal olarak çal??t?.2007 y?l?nda Bilgi Üniversitesi' nde caz bas gitar e?itimini tamamlad?ktan sonra profesyonel sahne çal??malar?na popüler müzik piyasas?nda vokalist olarak devam etmi?tir. Çal??malar?na solist olarak da devam eden Ceyda Köyba??o?lu, Afyon, Ankara, ?zmir Caz Festivallerinde yer alm??, jingle çal??malar? yapm??, Ba?ka Dilde A?k filminde 'Smile' adl? parçay? seslendirmi?tir. 2010-2014 y?llar? aras?nda, A?k?n Arsunan ile birlikte çal??m?? ve birçok farkl? dilde ?ark? söylemektedir. 2012 Nardis Genç Caz Vokal Yar??mas?nda birinci seçilen Ceyda Köyba??o?lu, ayn? y?l?n Nisan ay?nda Litvanya'da düzenlenen Uluslararas? Caz Vokalist (Jazz Voices ) Yar??mas?nda Türkiye' yi temsilen ikinci seçilmi?tir. Selen Gülün ile Kad?nlar Matinesi projesiyle bir albüm kaydetmi? ve ekibin sahne çal??malar?nda yer almaktad?r.Kendi ?ark?lar?n? da yazan Ceyda Köyba??o?lu,caz? r&b, soul, funk yorumlar?yla harmanlad??? bas gitar? ve vokali ile keyifli bir ak?amda sizlerle...

Giri? 50.-TL

Ceyda Köyba??o?lu, born in Istanbul, discovered her interest in music by playing the piano when she was little. After graduating from F.M.V. I??k High School, she graduated from Avni Akyol Fine Arts High School in Classical Guitar Art Major. She performed in concert organized by her school and she came in first place in classical guitar category in Turkey Fine Arts High Schools Contest. Her choice of bass guitar training through her university years came from her interest in modern music. In 2002, she got a full scholarship in Bilgi University Jazz Bass Guitar Performance Department where she trained with ?mer Demirer, Selen Gülün, Raci Pi?mi?o?lu, Kür?at And, Donovan Mixon, Cengiz Baysal and Ricky Ford. She performed in university festivities, other festivals and a variety of clubs. Then she met with Keisa Brown in her Turkey concert and she became her back vocal. After graduating from Bilgi University Jazz Bass Guitar Department in 2007, she continued her performances in popular music as a vocalist. Continuing to perform as a vocalist, Ceyda Köyba??o?lu performed in Afyon, Ankara and ?zmir Jazz Festivals, composed jingles and sang a song named "Smile" for the movie "Ba?ka Dilde A?k". Between 2010 and 2014, she worked with A?k?n Arsunan and sang songs in different languages. Ceyda Köyba??o?lu came in first place in 2012 Nardis Young Jazz Vocals Contest and came in second place representing Turkey, in International Jazz Voices Contest held in Lithuania. She recorded an album with Selen Gülün with their project "Kad?nlar Matinesi" and is still performing with them. Working also as a composer, Ceyda Köyba??o?lu will be with you with her own r&b, soul, funk and jazz.

She started studying at Bilgi University Jazz Bass Guitar department with a full scholarship in 2002. She played with bands 'Çe?ni-dem' and 'On Cue' at various venues. She was a part of the all-female rock band 'K?rm?z?' as an electric bass player and the band performed at many university spring fests, festivals and clubs. She later met Keisa Brown who was living and performing in Turkey at the time and joined her band as a back vocalist, taking stage in the most prestigious clubs and halls in ?stanbul. Upon graduation she performed as a pop singer as well. She sang the song 'Plak', from the soundtrack of the movie 'Ba?ka Dilde A?k'. She's been performing regularly with A?k?n Arsunan since 2010. She won the first prize to attend International Jazz Voices Contest in Lithuania at the Nardis Young Jazz Vocal Contest in 2012. She finished 2nd at the contest in Lithuania. She will be surprising you with her electric bass and her voice on a jazzy night!

Music Charge: 50.-TL

4 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Ctesi (22:30-01:30) - scroll down for English

Dolunay Obruk Quartet

Dolunay Obruk (vo), Gürtu? Gök (s), Kaan B?y?ko?lu (p), Enver Muhamedi (b).

Profesyonel grafik tasar?mc?, söz yazar?, besteci ve caz yorumcusu olan Dolunay Obruk, 2004'ten beri bir tasar?mc? gözüyle bakt??? müzik hayat?n?, Ne?et Ruacan, Emin F?nd?ko?lu, ?mer Demirer gibi de?erli caz müzisyenlerin e?likleriyle birçok proje ve sahnede payla?m??t?r. Yurt içi ve d???nda, çe?itli organizasyonlarda caz müzi?ini özgün biçimde yorumlam??, son dönemlerde de müzi?ini, her iki uzmanl??? olan grafik tasar?m ve vokalle birle?tirerek özgün bir biçimde görselle?tirmi?tir.

Repertuar?na caz standartlar?n?n yan?s?ra, caz formuna uyarlad??? sevilen türküleri ve kendi söz-bestelerinden olu?an parçalar?n? da katm?? ve müzi?in evrenselli?ini, caz?n yorumlanmaya uygun olan dilini kullanarak dinleyici ile payla?maktad?r.

2012 y?l?n?n Ekim ay?nda piyasaya ç?kard??? "?stanbul Kafas?" adl? single çal??mas?, söz ve müzi?i kendisine ait olan bu ?ark?n?n YouTube'da ve müzik kanallar?nda yer alan klibi yo?un ilgi ile kar??la?m??t?r. ?ark?, NTV'de yay?nlanan ?stanbul Kafas? adl? program?n da jenerik müzi?i olarak bilinmektedir.

Dolunay Obruk, Joy Jazz adl? internet radyosunda, 2013 May?s'?ndan bu yana her hafta kendi haz?rlay?p sundu?u Caz Kafas? adl? radyo program?yla da cazseverlerle bulu?maktad?r. (

Giri? 50.-TL

Dolunay Obruk, who has been a jazz musician since 2004, is also a professional graphic designer, as well as a lyricist, composer and singer, and has taken part in many projects with eminent jazz musicians such as Ne?et Ruacan, Emin F?nd?ko?lu, Imer Demirer, and Cem Tuncer and shared the same stage with them. She has sung jazz music in her own unique way in performances organized both in Turkey and abroad, sometimes adding popular folkloric songs to jazz, and recently has been working on projects where she visualizes her music by combining her expertise in graphic design and vocals.

Dolunay Obruk's musical stories drawn by herself are displayed throughout her concerts, carrying the audience to a different world.

Music Charge: 50.-TL

06 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 P.tesi (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

Olgun Açar Quartet

Tamer Temel (s), Önder Focan (g), Matt Hall (b), Olgun Açar (d).
Olgun Açar 1986'da ?zmir do?umlu. 14 ya??nda davul çalmaya ba?lad?. Siena Jazz Masterclass, Berklee College Of Music, Mel Brown Jazz Camp, New York Jazz Academy gibi okullardan burslar kazanarak müzi?ini geli?tirdi. Bu gece seslendirecekleri proje caz, funk, hip hop etkilerinin yan? s?ra do?adaki tüm canl?lardan, güzel olan her?eyden etkilenir. Olgun Açar'?n besteleri ve cover ?ark?lardan olu?ur.

Giri? 40.-TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

Olgun Açar was born in ?zmir in 1986. He started playing the drums at 14. He won scholarships to and studied at Siena Jazz Masterclass, Berklee College of Music, Mel Brown Jazz Camp and New York Jazz Academy. The band will be playing covers and their originals inspired by jazz, funk, hip-hop and anything beautiful from the life.

Music Charge: 40.-TL

07 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Sal? (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

Cem Tuncer Trio

Cem Tuncer (g), Engin Recepo?ullar? (p), Volkan Hürsever (b).

Cem Tuncer Bilgi Üniversitesi mezunu. 1998 y?l?ndan itibaren birçok albüm ve projede aranjör, besteci ve gitarist olarak yer ald?. 2009'da Estonya'daki "Genç Caz Gitaristi Yar??mas?"a Nardis'i temsilen kat?ld? ve 2.lik ödülü ile birlikte prestijli festivallere davet edildi. 2013'de Kral TV'den en iyi dizi müzi?i bestecisi ödülünü de ald?. Hem dizi müzikleri hem de konserlerine h?zla devam ediyor.

Giri?: 40 TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

Mehmet Cem Tuncer was born in 1978. He studied guitar with Sarp Maden and Gökçen Taskiran, music theory with Semih Korucu and Mehmet Nemutlu, ensemble with Bulent Ortaçgil and Önder Focan at AKADEMI ISTANBUL Jazz Department in 1997. He won a scholarship from Istanbul Bilgi University in 1998 and worked with important musicians such as Neset Ruacan, Kamil Özler, Ali Perret, L.Butch Morris, Can Kozlu, Aydin Esen, Imer Demirer, Ricky Ford, Selen Gülün, Mike Wilkens during his undergraduate study. He played in Belgium Sfinks and Amsterdam Music Festivals in 1999; in Germany Hildesheim Festival, in Zurih, Basel, Stuttgart, Berlin and Hanoover in 2000; in Gent and Brussels at the Ethnic Music Festival, in 2002. He also took place in various activities and concerts in Ricky Ford's Istanbul Jazz Collective, the same year in Babylon, Istanbul. He worked as the Assistant Arranger of Önder Focan's Purple in Blue project in 2000 International Istanbul Jazz Festival and played many duo guitar concerts with Önder Focan. Tuncer completed his undergraduate study in ISTANBUL BILGI UNIVERSITY Composition Department. In 2002 and worked in I.B.U as a Teaching Assistant for 1 year. He taught Jazz Guitar and Ensemble classes in YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY between 2002 -2008. Tuncer was elected to represent Turkey in the 2008 International Young Jazz Guitarist Competition held in Estonia, and won the 2nd place. He was awarded with the invitations of Romania Garana Jazz Festival 2008 and Pori Jazz Festival 2008 & 2010 where he played with Ted Curson, Harvie S., Enrico Granafei, Onder Focan,3 GuitarISTanbul, Vitali Imereli, Reiska Laine, Toivo Unt, Marian Petrescu, Eric McPherson, Abraham Burton, David Bryant, Dezron Douglas, Jyrki Kangas. He made film musics (with Nail Yurtsever & Engin Arslan), Ali'nin Sekiz Günü, 2008; Vali, 2008; Dilber'in Sekiz Günü, by which he won the 2009 Ankara Film Festival Music Award; and Ac?, 2009; and TV Series Musics such as Gece Sesleri, 2008; Rüzgar, 2008; Sinekli Bakkal (with Cigdem Erken), 2008; Servet Avc?s?, 2008; Öyle Bir Geçer Zaman ki, 2010; Ad?n? Feriha Koydum, 2011; Canan, 2011; and worked as a Vocal Coach in High School Musical, Walt Disney, 2008 (Turkey) In addition to his carrier in Jazz and film musics, Tuncer still plays and tours with 3GuitarISTanbul (with Önder Focan & Murat Usanmaz), Curly Trio (with Elif Ça?lar Muslu & Kerem Türkayd?n), Zuhal Olcay, Gürol A??rba?, Melis Sökmen, Jülide Özçelik, Aykut Gürel & ?rem Records, Deniz Seki, Sezen Aksu (recent double CD, 2009) and works as a studio musician, arranger, composer and producer. He plays as a member of TRT Jazz Orchestra since 2008 and continues his graduate study in ISTANBUL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Conservatory in Composition Department. He also writes on the page named Klinik in Jazz magazine published in Turkey. Cem Tuncer uses and endorses Yamaha Guitars & Elixir Strings.

Music Charge: 40.-TL

08 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Çar?amba (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

Yavuz Akyaz?c? Trio

Yavuz Akyaz?c? (g), Ekin Bilgin (b), Burak Cihangirli (d).

1996 y?l?nda New York'taki, New School Jazz Academy'nin Jazz Performance bölümünden mezun oldu. Amerika'da geçirdi?i 17 sene boyunca 55 Bar, Birdland, Bottom Line, Village Vanguard, Knitting Factory, Auggie's gibi dünyaca ünlü caz kulüplerinde konserler verdi. 2007 y?l?nda Türkiye'de ç?kan ilk albümü "Gamzelim" Sound on Sound dergisinin albüm kritiklerince "virtüözce çal?nm?? ve kaydedilmi?" olarak tan?mland?. 2011 Haziran ay?nda Yavuz Akyaz?c? Project grubuyla "Turkish Standards Vol.1"i , 2012 y?lba??nda ise ço?unlu?u kendi bestelerinden olu?an "Bridge" albümüyle "Sway" ve "House of the Rising Sun" gibi iki popüler ?ark?y? yorumlad?. 2014'ün son günlerinde ise Turkish Standards Vol.2'yi piyasaya ç?kard?.

Giri?: 40 TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

He was born in 1966. He started his education in Bosphorus University Chemical Engineering department. However, He decided to study jazz in New York and went to New School Jazz Performance program. He became a student of teachers like Reggie Workman, Jim Hall, Billy Harper, Buster Williams, Vic Juris. While his education was going on, he performed at jazz clubs like 55 Bar where Mike Stern and Wayne Krantz also played. After graduation, he continued playing his own compositions with musicians like Matt Wilson (Charlie Haden Liberation Band), Eric Person (Ben Harper, Dave Holland Quintet), Joe Fonda (Kenny Baron, Anthony Braxton), Kevin Burke (Wynton Marsallis Orchestra) and formed the band Volcano. With this band he played in various jazz clubs in United States, Turkey and Baku Jazz Festival.
His first published CD Volcano/Gamzelim received a lot praise in jazz community. Interntaional Sound on Sound magazine named this album as "virtuoso performance and recording".

He formed Yavuz Akyaz?c? Project at the beginning of 2011. This band recorded Turkish Standards Vol.1 which ic a CD consisted of Turkish pop songs re-arranged in a jazz standard fashion.

His latest CD "Bridge" was published at the beginning of 2012. This recording consists of seven Yavuz Akyaz?c? compositions as well as popular songs like "Sway", "House of the Rising Sun" and a jazz standard from Sam Rivers named "Beatrice".

Music Charge: 40.-TL

09 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Per?embe (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

Esra Kay?kç? Band

Esra Kay?kç? (vo, b), Yahya Dai (s), Uraz K?vaner (p), Hakan Kamal? (g), F?rt?na K?ral (d).

1999 y?l?nda müzik teorisi ve gitar e?itimine ba?layan Kay?kç?, daha sonra Elif Ça?lar, Randy Esen ve Sibel Köse ile caz vokal çal??t?. Sheila Jordan ve Mark Murphy gibi önemli isimlerin workshop'lar?na kat?ld?. 2011 y?l?nda Akbank'?n düzenledi?i "Jamzz" adl? yar??mada yar? finale kalan sanatç?, 2013 y?l?nda Anadolu Üniversitesi 11. Amatör Caz Müzisyenleri Festivali'nde yer ald?. 2016'da aranjörlü?ünü ve müzik direktörlü?ünü Ercüment Orkut'un üstlendi?i, ?ark? sözlerini Mehmet Karada? ile birlikte yazd??? kendi bestelerinden olu?an ilk albümü 'Bozgun Hat?ra' Kabak & Lin Records etiketi ile yay?nland?.

2016'da Angelique Kidjo'nun jüri ba?kan? oldu?u Montreux Caz Vokal Yar??mas?'nda yar? finalist olarak sahne ald?. 2017'de jüri üyeleri aras?nda Mike Stern, Randy Brecker ve Lenny White'?n yer ald??? Made in New York Jazz Yar??mas?'nda Solo Vokal kategorisinde birinci oldu ve Manhattan'da Tribeca Performing Arts Center 'da sahne ald?.

Giri?; 40.-TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

She began studying music theory and guitar in 1999. She studied jazz vocal with Elif Ça?lar, Randy Esen and Sibel Köse and attended workshops of important musicians such as Shelia Jordan and Mark Murphy. She reached to the semi-final in the competition named "Jamzz" which organized by Akbank in 2011. She took stage at Anadolu University 11. Amateur Jazz Musicians Festival in 2013. In 2016 &Bozgun Hat?ra& her first/debut album consisting of her own compositions and lyrics written by herself together with Mehmet Karada?, was published under the label of Kabak & Lin Records in which Ercüment Orkut undertook the arrangements and musical directorate.

In 2016, she took the stage as semi-finalist in one of the world's most prestigious competitions, 50th Montreux Jazz Vocal Contest where Angelique Kidjo was head of the jury.

In 2017 she won the first place in Solo Vocal category of Made in NY Jazz Competition where Mike Stern, Randy Brecker and Lenny White were among the jury and took the stage at Gala night realized at Tribeca Performing Art Center.

Music Charge: 40.-TL

10 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Cuma (22:30-01:30) - scroll down for English

Ayd?n Kahya Band

Ayd?n Kahya (vo), Tolga Bilgin (tp), Uraz K?vaner (p), Önder Focan (g), Ozan Musluo?lu (b), Ayhan Öztoplu (d).

1974 Ankara do?umludur. ?lkokuldan sonra H.Ü. Ankara Devlet Konservatuvar? piyano bölümüne girmi?tir. ?ki y?l sonra trombon bölümüne geçip iki kere s?n?f atlayarak üstün ba?ar? ile mezun

olmu?tur. Prof. ?lhan Baran ile caz kompozisyon, Amerikal? siyah caz vokalist Keisha Brown ile caz ve motown vokal teknikleri çal??m??t?r. Önemli müzisyenler ile performans ve konserler yapm??t?r; Ayd?n Esen, Atilla ?ereftu?, A?k?n Arsunan, Garo Mafyan, Süheyl Denizci, Tuna Ötenel, Kerem Görsev, Önder Focan, Sl?de Hampton, Br?an Lynch, Bruce Barth, Doug We?ss, Huge S?cotte, Tony Jones bunlardan birkaç tanesidir. 1999'da Önder Focan ile "Vocal?sts" isimli "Blue Note" etiketiyle ilk Türkçe caz albümü, 2006'da Tony Jones ile "Istanbul Party" isimli R&B albümü, 2008'de Atilla ?ereftu? ile Avent?a Crooners

isimli Czech Philharmonic orkestras?yla senfonik caz albümü kaydetmi?tir. Yurt içinde ve d???nda senfoni ve Big Band orkestralar?yla, festival, radyo emisyonu, kay?t ve devlet konserleri yapm??t?r. Halen H.Ü. Ankara Devlet Konservatuvar? Caz Anasanat dal?, caz vokal bölümünde ö?retim görevlisidir.

Giri?: 50 TL

Ayd?n Kahya was born in 1974 in Ankara. After elementary school he started to study at Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory Piano Department. Two years later he switched to trombone and promoted to higher grades twice for his accomplishments. He studied jazz composition with Prof. ?lhan Baran and motown vocal techniques with Keisha Brown. Some of the artists he has performed with include Ayd?n Esen, Atilla ?ereftu?, A?k?n Arsunan, Garo Mafyan, Süheyl Denizci, Tuna Ötenel, Kerem Görsev, Önder Focan, Slide Hampton, Brian Lynch, Bruce Barth, Doug Weiss, Huge Sicotte and Tony Jones. The albums he was featured on include "Vocalists" by Önder Focan (the first album ever released by Blue Note with Turkish jazz vocals), R&B album "Istanbul Party" with Tony Jones and a symphonic jazz album "Aventia Crooners" with Atilla ?ereftu?, performing with the Czech Philarmonic Orchestra. He has performed inside and outside of Turkey with symphonies, big bands and different band variations on festivals, radios and recordings. He currently is a tutor at Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory Jazz Vocal department.

Music Charge: 50.-TL

11 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Ctesi (22:30-01:30) - scroll down for English

Flapper Swing

Nevin Hetmanek (vo), Tamer Temel (s), Tomas Hetmanek (g), Erhan Erbelger (g), Volkan Topako?lu (b).

Flapper Swing, me?hur Frans?z caz sanatç?s? Django Reinhardt ve New Orleans kökenli Sidney Bechet'nin izinden giden akustik bir caz manouche grubudur. Manouche gitarlar, kontrabas, soprano saksofon ve vokalden olu?an grup, repertuarlar?nda Django Reinhardt besteleri ve 1920-30′lar?n caz standartlar?na yer vererek dinleyicilerine o dönemin e?siz atmosferini ya?at?r.

Giri?: 50 TL

Flapper Swing is a quintet following footsteps of famous french jazz artist Django Reinhardt and New Orleans's expatriate Sidney Bechet. These five musicians were brought together by their passion for taunting acoustic sounds of gypsy swing . Flapper Swing's music is a sweet blend of manouche guitars, wild soprano saxophone, sensitive silklike vocal, supported by deep woody hum of double bass. In their performances Flapper Swing is striving to bring the audience an atmosphere of roaring twenties and ballroom parties, the times when jazz was still fun.

Music Charge: 50.-TL

13 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 P.tesi (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English


Ximo Tebar Quartet

Ximo Tebar (g), Kaan B?y?ko?lu (p), Matt Hall (b), Ferit Odman (d).

Flamenko ile caz? bulu?turdu?u "Son Mediterranean" stiliyle devrim yaratan Valensiyal? gitarist Ximo Tebar, bugün Benny Golson ve George Benson gibi üstadlar?n takdir etti?i bir isim. New York'a yerle?ti?inden beri Apollo Theater, Jazz at Lincoln Center, Birdland gibi mekânlarda Lou Donaldson, Benny Golson, Joe Lovano, Dave Samuels, Joey DeFrancesco, Dr. Lonnie Smith, Louie Bellson, Anthony Jackson, Johnny Griffin, Tom Harrell, Idris Muhammad, Arturo O'Farrill ve Dave Schnitter gibi ço?u eski toprak müzisyenlerle çal?yor. Bugüne dek kendi ad?na 16 albüm kaydeden sanatç?, dört ?spanya Kültür Bakanl??? Ödülü ve iki RTVE "Jazz Entre Amigos" Dexter Gondon Ödülü sahibi. Tebar halen Valensiya "Joaquín Rodrigo" Müzik Konservartuvar?'nda caz gitar, do?açlama, müzik yöneticili?i ve prodüksiyon dersleri veriyor, ustal?k s?n?f? seminerleri aç?yor. ?imdiyse iki gecelik bir flamenko-caz ziyafeti için ?stanbul'da aram?zda olacak.

Giri?: 40 TL

The Valencia-born guitarist Ximo Tebar, with his revolutionary style of "Son Mediterranean", which is a fusion of flamenco and jazz, is today a name appreciated by masters like Benny Golson and George Benson. Since his move to New York, he has been playing gigs at venues like Apollo Theater, Jazz at Lincoln Center and Birdland with, mostly, old cats like Lou Donaldson, Benny Golson, Joe Lovano, Dave Samuels, Joey DeFrancesco, Dr. Lonnie Smith, Louie Bellson, Anthony Jackson, Johnny Griffin, Tom Harrell, Idris Muhammad, Arturo O'Farrill and Dave Schnitter. Having recorded 16 albums to his name, he is receiver of the Spanish Ministry of Culture Award for 4 times and twice the RTVE "Jazz Entre Amigos" Dexter Gondon Award. Taber continues to teach jazz guitar, improvisation, music business and production at Music Conservatory of Valencia "Joaquín Rodrigo" and holds master class seminars. And now, he will be with us to hold a two-night-long flamenco-jazz feast.

Music Charge: 40.-TL

14 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Sal? (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English


Ximo Tebar Quartet

Ximo Tebar (g), Kaan B?y?ko?lu (p), Matt Hall (b), Ferit Odman (d).

Flamenko ile caz? bulu?turdu?u "Son Mediterranean" stiliyle devrim yaratan Valensiyal? gitarist Ximo Tebar, bugün Benny Golson ve George Benson gibi üstadlar?n takdir etti?i bir isim. New York'a yerle?ti?inden beri Apollo Theater, Jazz at Lincoln Center, Birdland gibi mekânlarda Lou Donaldson, Benny Golson, Joe Lovano, Dave Samuels, Joey DeFrancesco, Dr. Lonnie Smith, Louie Bellson, Anthony Jackson, Johnny Griffin, Tom Harrell, Idris Muhammad, Arturo O'Farrill ve Dave Schnitter gibi ço?u eski toprak müzisyenlerle çal?yor. Bugüne dek kendi ad?na 16 albüm kaydeden sanatç?, dört ?spanya Kültür Bakanl??? Ödülü ve iki RTVE "Jazz Entre Amigos" Dexter Gondon Ödülü sahibi. Tebar halen Valensiya "Joaquín Rodrigo" Müzik Konservartuvar?'nda caz gitar, do?açlama, müzik yöneticili?i ve prodüksiyon dersleri veriyor, ustal?k s?n?f? seminerleri aç?yor. ?imdiyse iki gecelik bir flamenko-caz ziyafeti için ?stanbul'da aram?zda olacak.

Giri?: 40 TL

The Valencia-born guitarist Ximo Tebar, with his revolutionary style of "Son Mediterranean", which is a fusion of flamenco and jazz, is today a name appreciated by masters like Benny Golson and George Benson. Since his move to New York, he has been playing gigs at venues like Apollo Theater, Jazz at Lincoln Center and Birdland with, mostly, old cats like Lou Donaldson, Benny Golson, Joe Lovano, Dave Samuels, Joey DeFrancesco, Dr. Lonnie Smith, Louie Bellson, Anthony Jackson, Johnny Griffin, Tom Harrell, Idris Muhammad, Arturo O'Farrill and Dave Schnitter. Having recorded 16 albums to his name, he is receiver of the Spanish Ministry of Culture Award for 4 times and twice the RTVE "Jazz Entre Amigos" Dexter Gondon Award. Taber continues to teach jazz guitar, improvisation, music business and production at Music Conservatory of Valencia "Joaquín Rodrigo" and holds master class seminars. And now, he will be with us to hold a two-night-long flamenco-jazz feast.

Music Charge: 40.-TL

15 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Çar?amba (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

Los Amigos De Herman feat. Gökçe Hilal

Herman Artuç (vo, perc), Gökçe Hilal (vo), Cem Nasuho?lu (g), Zafer Saka (g), Ruben Ferrari (b), Gökhan Avc? (perc).

"Gelenekselden Günümüze Latin Amerika ?ark?lar?"
Her co?rafyan?n kendine özgü bir do?al ritmi, yüzy?llarca o topraklar üzerinde ya?ayan insanlar?n elde ettikleri bir ya?am deneyimi, bundan kaynakl? olu?an bir kültür, ?ark?lar, danslart, ritimler, müzikleri var. Dünyan?n ise her türlü bak?? aç?s?na ve deneyime ihtiyac? var.
Consuelo Velazquez, Atahualpa Yupanqui, Osvaldo Farres, Alvaro Carrillo, Sergio Mendes, Miguel Matamoros, Maria Teresa Vera, Hugo Blanco, Rafael Hernandez, Manuel Jimenez Fernandez, Armando Manzanero, Violeta Parra gibi birçok Latin Amerikal? bestecinin ?ark?lar?n?n, caz armoni ve do?açlamalarla yorumlanarak seslendilirilece?i, samba, salsa, rhumba, cha cha cha, milonga, habanera, bolero, vals gibi ritmlerle hareketlenecek gecede, dans ve a?k ?ark?lar?n?n yan?nda, Latin Amerika'n?n öteki yüzü olan ac? günlerin, umut dolu yar?nlar?n, bar???n ?ark?lar? da çal?n?p, söylenecek.

Amerika yerlilerinin binlerce y?ll?k birikim ve bilgeli?i, Avrupa klasik müzi?inin çok sesli armonisi ve Afrika müzi?inin çoklu ritmleriyle, Latin Amerika ?ark?lar?n?n s?rad???, karma??k, kendine özgü ritmi; Dünya insanlar?n?n karde?li?ini, farkl?l?klar?m?z?n içindeki benzer ya da ortak insani duygu ve dü?ünceleri (do?al güzelliklere övgü, sevgi, a?k, özlem, kahramanl?k, ele?tiri, ac?, yak?nma, hayata ait görü?ler, toplumsal olaylara dair hikayeler vs.) en sade ve anla??l?r bir dille bize hat?rlatmaya devam ediyor.

Giri? 40.-TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

"From Traditional To Contemporary Latin American Songs"

Every geography has a natural rhythm which is peculiar to that place, an experience from life which people of that land get from life, culture, songs, dances, rhythms, musics, which come into existence from that experience. The world needs all kinds of perspect?ves.

The thousands of years of wisdom and experience of American Indians, the polyphonic harmony of Europa and multi rhythm of the African Music, the paculiar, extraordinary and complicated rhythm of Latin American songs; keep reminding us the brotherhood of the people of the world, similar or common humane feelings and thougts in our differences,(praise for natural beauties, affection, love, longing, gallantry, critique, grief, complaining, thoughts about life, stories about social events) in the plainest and most comprehensible way.

Along with dance and love songs, the songs of suffer days, hopeful tomorrows, and peace, which are the other side of Latin America, will be played and sung. In the night where will be warmed up with rhythms like samba, salsa, rhumba, cha cha cha, milonga, habanera, bolero, waltz etc., and where the songs of many Latin American singers, like Consuelo Velazquez, Atahualpa Yupanqui, Osvaldo Farres, Alvaro Carrillo, Sergio Mendes, Miguel Matamoros, Maria Teresa Vera, Hugo Blanco, Rafael Hernandez, Manuel Jimenez Fernandez, Armando Manzanero, Violeta Parra,will also be performed and jammed.

Music Charge: 40.-TL

16 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Per?embe (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

Songs From A Breeze

Deniz Ta?ar (vo), ?entürk Özta? (b), Ekin Cengizkan (d).

Bir prova stüdyosunda tan??t?klar? günden beri beraber müzik yapan, son y?llarda genç müzikseverlerin yog?un ilgi gösterdig?i ödüllü caz vokalist Deniz Tas?ar ve özellikle çal?m tekni?iyle dikkatleri üzerine çeken bas gitarist ?entürk Özta?, yer ald?klar? farkl? projelerden ve ya?ad?klar? hikayelerden esinlenerek ürettikleri özgün müziklerini, bas ve vokal projeleri "Songs From A Breeze" ile sahneliyorlar. Müziklerini beraber yazd?klar? ilk albümleri "Chapter One"da kendilerini ve hepimizi anlat?yor, hem birbirlerine hem de dinleyicilerine sesleniyorlar. Sahnelerinde bestelerinin yan? s?ra, düzenlemelerin onlara ait oldu?u caz standartlar? ve popüler parçalar duymak mümkün. Caz, rap, indie ve neo soul türleri aras?nda gezinen performanslar?nda, ?entürk'ün bas gitar kullan?m?n?, Deniz'in ise vokal yakla??mlar?n?, anlatt?klar? hikayeye göre de?i?irken gözlemleyecek, onlarla bir yolculu?a ç?kacaks?n?z.

Giri?; 40.-TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

Since the day they met at a studio, Deniz Ta?ar and ?entürk Özta? have been playing music together and writing songs, leading them to create an album that tells the story of their six year long musical partnership, inspired by their experiences and projects they were a part of. The bass and vocal duo's album 'Chapter One' is now ready for you to meet a year after they began to take stage as a bass-vocal project "Songs From A Breeze". Their name represents the respect they have for sudden inspirations as if they come with the breeze, also showing their love and curiosity for improvisation. The album's minimal and intimate attitude stands upon the duo's starting point, the power of bass and vocal, allowing no room for any other sound. As ?entürk's way of bass playing and Deniz's approach to vocal change by the stories they tell, you will observe, imagine and go on a journey with them.

Music Charge: 40.-TL

17 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Cuma (22:30-01:30) - scroll down for English

Luis Ernesto Gomez & Latin Jazz Band

Luis Ernesto Gomez (vo, tumba), Gülseren Gomez (vo, perc), Semih Sural (tp), Michel Lotz (keyb), Osmar Jose Lara (b), Riccardo Marenghi (d).

Dünya müziklerinin Latin yorumlar?, kendi besteleri, s?ms?cak ritimler, görselli?in büyüsü, i?itselli?in doru?a ula?mas?... Müzi?in ki Latin Amerika'dan Afrika'ya, Afrika'dan Avrupa'ya ve bize evrenselli?in birle?tirdi?i bir ?anson'dan fado'ya, cumbia'dan salsa'ya, afrocuban'dan latin caza, böylesi hayat bulup ?ahlan?p içinize akt???, seyircininse tüm bu ayinin bir parças? olarak inan?lmaz? ya?ay?p en çekingenin dahi k?p?r k?p?r e?likte bulundu?u ?ölen. ?zlemek mi, dinlemek mi, yetersiz, ya?an?r. Luis Ernesto Gomez, Paris'te y?llarca Arturo Sandoval, Danny Brillant, Yuri Buenaventura gibi ünlü Latin sanatç?lar?yla çalm?? 28 senedir sahnede olan uluslararas? tumba ustas?. Gülseren Y?ld?r?m Gomez ise 2005 y?l?nda Eurovision'a kat?lm??, 400 milyon ki?i taraf?ndan dinlenmi?, konservatuar? Paris'te bitirmi?, 20 senedir, çok dilde ?ark? söyleyen, özel bir ses sanatç?s?, perküsyoncu ve dansc?. Gülseren ve Luis'in bugüne kadar Türkiye, Fransa ve Avrupa'da yay?nlanm?? 11 adet CD çal??mas? bulunuyor. Bestelerini de içeren bu albümler, dünya müziklerinin eski ve yeni yorumlar?n?n yan? s?ra kendilerine özgü tarz? yans?t?yor.

Giri?: 50 TL

Born from a Columbian dancer mother and a Cuban musician father, Luis Ernesto Gomez grew up in Paris. His father is one of the pioneers of salsa and Cuban music in France. Luis studied with Changuito and Tata Guines. Since 1986, he has been playing tumba in countless salsa and latin jazz bands. His stage career started at the age of 16, accompanying Mayra Valdes Irakere. He started performing with the band of Rembert Egues, the Cuban musician, at "Les Trois Mailletz" Jazz Club in Paris. He accompanied many famous musicians with his tumba at this venue where he became art director. In 1998, Luis and his wife, Gülseren Y?ld?r?m Gomez, famous singer, percussionist (darbuka) and dancer (who was to be the Turkish participant in the 2005 Eurovision song contest), encouraged by their interest in world music and cultural exchange intruduced the first Salsa Turca group in Paris. Since 2005, Gülseren and Luis has been singing and playing with her own band in Turkey and different countries: Hungary, Poland, Colombia, France, England, ?taly, Russia, Spain, Emirates. Gülseren has already produced and sang for 11 CD albums (Vents d'Est; Gülseren; Turkish Groove; Kumbiya Turka). Gülseren and Luis formed in ?stanbul their own and unique salsa big band: "Luis Ernesto Gomez & Latin Jazz Band".

Music Charge: 50.-TL

18 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Ctesi (22:30-01:30) - scroll down for English

Selen Beytekin Project

Selen Beytekin (vo), ?enova Ülker (tp), Engin Recepo?ullar? (ts), Ercüment Orkut (p), Ozan Musluo?lu (b), Ferit Odman (d).

1987 do?umlu Selen Beytekin, 8 ya??nda klasik piyano e?itimi almaya ba?lad?. Piyanist Ergican Saydam ile çal??t?. European Voices ba?ta olmak üzere birçok A Cappella koroda söyledi, ?eflik yapt? ve kendi korosunu kurup yönetti. 2008 y?l?nda ?TÜ ?n?aat Mühendisli?i bölümünden mezun oldu. Üniversitenin 3. y?l?nda (2007) Q Jazz Bar'da piyano çal?p söyleyerek ilk kez kendi program?n? yapmaya ba?lad?. Daha sonra A?k?n Arsunan & The Blue Print Project ile çal??maya ba?layan Selen Beytekin; Volkan Öktem, ?enova Ülker, Eylem Pelit, ?mer Demirer, Ricci Benson, Tony Jones, Aycan Teztel gibi birçok müzisyen ile çal??t?. Bu dönemde ITU'de Mimarl?k Masterini yapt?. 2010 y?l?ndan beri profesyonel olarak in?aat ve mimarl?k alan?nda çal??makta ve ayn? zamanda müzik çal??malar?na devam etmektedir. Bu gece sevilen caz standartlar? ile sizlere keyifli bir gece getirtecek.

Giri?: 50TL

Selen Baytekin who was born in 1987 started her classical piano studies at the age of eight as a provate pupil of Ergican Saydam. She joined the European Voices choir during her highschool studies and then went on to form her own A capella group. Selen's path crossed Ilham Gencer at a tango evening in 2007 and with his encouragement, she started her own solo piano & singing programme at Q Jazz Bar. She then performed with A?k?n Arsunan's The Blue Print Project Band. Selen grauated as a civil engineer from Istanbul technical University in 2008 and then obtained a masters degree in Architecture from the same University. While pursuing her professional career, Selen who is passionate about music continues to perform the Jazz, Soul, Funk & R&B scenes.

Music Charge: 50 TL

20 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 P.tesi (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

Kristian Lind Trio

Yi?it Özatalay (p), Kristian Lind (b), Mustafa Kemal Emirel (d).

?sveçli kontrbasc? Kristian Lind ?skandinav caz? ile Türk müzi?i deneyleyecek. Ayr?ca Kristian Lind'in bebop'dan klasi?e uzanan bestelerine de yer verecekler. Sanatç?n?n "Winter Games" adl? solo albümünden de parçalar? de?i?ik biçimde yorumlayacaklar.

Giri?: 40 TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

Kristian Lind trio experiments with Turkish music, playing it in a "Scandinavian jazz style" and also play Kristian's own compositions wich range from bebop to almost classical music. This creates a very interesting mix that you almost certainly havn't heard before.

If you have heard Kristian's solo album "winter games", you might get surprised since this is something completely different.

Music Charge: 40.-TL

21 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Sal? (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

Önder Focan Trio

Önder Focan (g), Enver Muhamedi (b), Burak Cihangirli (d).

Usta Önder Focan'?n gençlerle projeleri h?z kesmiyor. Bu da onlardan biri. Bu gece sevilen standartlardan olu?an bir repertuarla sizlerle olacaklar.

Giri?: 40 TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

Virtuoso Önder Focan keeps creating new project with young musicians, and this is one of them. They will perform beloved standards.

Music charge: 40 TL.

22 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Çar?amba (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

Can Tutu? & Sanat Deliorman Quartet

Can Tutu? (vibrafon), Sanat Deliorman (vo), Kaan B?y?ko?lu (p), Baran Say (b), Burak Cihangirli (d).

Can Tutu? 2013'te ?TÜ M?AM'da Amy Salsgiver ile vibrafon çal??t?. Tony Miceli'den ald??? derslerle caz armonisi ve do?açlamas? üzerine yo?unla?t?. Trakya Akademi Oda Orkestras?'nda solist olarak çald?. Kurdu?u "The Cold Vibes" adl? caz grubuyla 22. Uluslararas? ?stanbul Caz Festivali'nin Genç Caz yar??mas?n? kazanarak festivalin "Parklarda Caz" etkinli?inde yer ald?. 2017'de Indonesian Art And Culture Scholarship Guidance Projesini kazanarak, Endonezya'da üç ay boyunca gamelan e?itimi görmeye hak kazand?. Ayn? y?l, 30 Nisan Dünya Caz Günü'nde Thelonious Monk'un 100. do?umgünü an?s?na Monk bestelerinden olu?an bir repertuvarla halka aç?k konser verdi. Yunanistan'da da s?k konserler gerçekle?tiren Can Tutu?, ?u anda Trakya Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuvar?'nda ö?renim görmektedir.

Caz ?ark?c?s?, ?ark? yazar?, seslendirme sanatç?s?, radyo programc?s?, ele?tirmen, editör ve grafik tasar?mc? Sanat Deliorman, caz söylemeye 2003'te, çevirmenlik okudu?u Bo?aziçi Üniversitesi'nin a cappella caz korosunda ba?lad?. Caz vokal yar??malar?nda dereceler toplad?, ?KSV Caz Festivali'ne genç yetenek olarak davet edildi. Özellikle güçlü sesi ve duygulu yorumuyla ak?llarda kalan Deliorman, 2010'dan beri ?stanbul, Ankara, Bursa ve Bodrum'un bilinen caz mekânlar?nda, sevdi?i ve sayd??? müzik dostlar?ndan olu?an ekipleriyle, ak?lda kal?c? konserler gerçekle?tirmekte. Farkl? kültürleri içine alan konser programlar? geli?tirmeyi seven ve yak?n zamanda Yunanistan ve Polonya'da sahneye ç?kan sanatç?, art?k kendi Türkçe besteleri ve Türkçele?tirdi?i caz standartlar?n? da payla??yor.

Giri? 40.-TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

Can Tutu? studied vibraphone with Amy Salsgiver at Istanbul Technical University Dr. Erol Üçer Center for Advanced Studies in Music in 2013. With lessons from Tony Miceli, he focused on jazz harmony and improvisation. He performed with Trakya Academy Chamber Orchestra; later with his group "The Cold Vibes" at the "Jazz at the Parks" event after winning the International Istanbul Jazz Festival's Young Jazz competition. In 2017, he was accepted to a 3-month gamelan education programme by winning the Indonesian Art and Culture Scholarship Guidance Project. Same year, he organized a public concert in tribute of Thelonious Monk's 100th birthday, with a full Monk repertoire, during the World Jazz Day, on 30th of April. Also holding frequent gigs in Greece, Can Tutu? is recently a student at Trakya University State Conservatoire.

Jazz singer, songwriter, dubbing artist, radio programmer, critic, editor and graphic designer Sanat Deliorman, took up singing jazz in 2003, in the a capella jazz choir of Bo?aziçi University, where she was studying translation. She collected special mensions at several jazz vocal competitions, and was invited to perform during Istanbul Jazz Festival as a young talent. Pulling attention with her deep voice and dramatic interpretation, Deliorman, since 2010, has been holding memorable gigs at well-known jazz clubs of Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa and Bodrum with groups she builds with her beloved jazz brothers. She also enjoys building multi-cultural concert repertoires; which lately motivated her to travel to Greece and Poland. And her latest project is about her own Turkish songs and the jazz standarts on which she wrote Turkish lyrics.

Music Charge: 40.-TL

23 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Per?embe (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

Yahya Dai Quintet

Yahya Dai (ts, EWI), Yahya Dai (s, EWI), Tümer Uluç?nar (g), Bar?? Mert Peker (keyb), Enver Muhamedi (b), Riccardo Marenghi (d).

Ankara do?umlu Yahya Dai'nin 1974 y?l?nda soprano blokflüt ile ba?layan müzik hayati 1981'de alto saksofon ve ilerleyen y?llarda tenor saksofon, soprano saksofon, bariton saksofon, yan flüt ve EWI (elektrik nefesli enstrüman) ile devam etti. Ankara'da uzun bir dönem Tuna Ötenel ile birlikte çal??an Yahya Dai, ?stanbul'a yerle?tikten sonra yerli, yabanc? pek çok grupla sahne ald?, albüm kay?tlar?nda çald?. 2011 y?l?nda "Ümitvar Mavi" adl? albümü kaydetti. Bu gece oldukça renkli bir repertuar ile sizlerle olacaklar.
Giri? 40.-TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

Yahya Dai was born in Ankara. He got involved in music in 1974 by playing the recorder but starting in 1981 he got involved with alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone, baritone saxophone, flute and electric wind instruments. He studied with Tuna Ötenel in Ankara for many years. After moving to Istanbul, Yahya performed and recorded with numerous local and overseas bands. He released an album, "Ümitvar Mavi" in 2011. Tonight's performance will consist of a colourful and diversified repertoire.
Music charge: 40 TL

24 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Cuma (22:30-01:30) - scroll down for English

?pek Dinç Yüce Quintet

?pek Dinç Yüce (vo), Yahya Dai (ts), Kaan B?y?ko?lu (p), Volkan Hürsever (b), Kerem Yüce (d).

?Ü Kimya Mühendisli?i bölümü mezunu ?pek Dinç Yüce, 2005 y?l?nda ?lham Gencer ile tan??arak müzik ya?am?na ad?m att?. 2006'da Nardis Genç Caz Vokal Yar??mas?nda finale kald?, ?stanbul Caz Festivali Genç Caz Yar??mas?n? kazand?. Festival kapsam?nda konser verdi. 2009 Nardis Genç Caz Vokal Yar??mas?nda gösterdi?i ba?ar? ile gitti?i Estonya Nomme Jazz Festivalindeki yar??mada 3. oldu. Pek çok festivalde ?ark? söyledi, Letonya "Young Jazz Voices" etkinli?ine kat?ld?. Bu gece sevilen caz standartlar?n?n yan? s?ra latin ve funk parçalara da yer verecek.

Giri?: 50 TL

Ipek Dinc who is an undergraduate of ?stanbul University, Faculty of Chemistry, started her musical career in 2005 when she met ?lham Gencer. She was a finalist at the 2006 Nardis Young Jazz Singer of the Year Competition and participated in the ?stanbul Jazz Festival Young Jazz Singer competition. She gave a concert in the Festival. Her success at 2009 Nardis Singing Competition took her to the Nomme Jazz Festival Competition in Estonia where she won the 3rd prize. She participated in numerous festivals. Dinç has been invited to attend the "Young jazz Voices" event in Latvia in 2009. Her repertoire for this night will consist of R&B as well as jazz standards.

Music charge: 50 TL

25 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Ctesi (22:30-01:30) - scroll down for English

Sibel Köse Quintet

Sibel Köse (vo), Engin Recepo?ullar? (ts), Kür?ad Deniz (p), Ka?an Y?ld?z (b), Cem Aksel (d).

TED Ankara Koleji'nin ard?ndan ODTÜ Mimarl?k Fakültesi, Mimarl?k Bölümü'nden mezun oldu. Caz ile ilgili ilk çal??malar?na üniversitede ö?renci oldu?u y?llarda ba?lad?. Polonya'da seminerlere kat?ld?. 1987 y?l?ndan bu yana Sibel Köse konserlerde, radyo ve TV programlar?nda yer almakta, yerel ve uluslararas? caz festivallerine kat?lmaktad?r. Polonya'n?n Zamosc kentinde düzenlenmi? olan Uluslararas? Caz Vokalistleri Yar??mas?'nda birincilik ödülü ald?. 2008 "Nina Simone Tribute" konserinde Dee Dee Bridgewater, Raul Midon ve Stacey Kent ile ayn? sahneyi payla?an Köse, Polonya'da bir de albüm ç?kard?.

Giri?: 50 TL

Sibel Köse was born in Ankara where she attended the TED Ankara College followed by the Architecture Faculty of the METU graduating as an architect. Her early interest in jazz coincides with her university studies. She attended numerous seminars in Poland. Ms. Köse performs in concerts, radio and TV productions and local & international jazz festivals since 1987. She has been the winner of the International Jazz Vocalists Competition held in Zamosc, Poland. She performed alongside Dee Dee Bridgewater, Raul Midon and Stacey Kent at the "Nina Simone Tribute" concert. She has an album published in Poland. Tonight Ms. Köse and her band hope to give you an enjoyable evening with their fresh interpretation of standards.

Music Charge: 50 TL

27 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 P.tesi (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

Manouche Odyssey

Burak Olçaray (clt), Pa?a Çelik (g), Erhan Öztürk (g), Tekin Okcebe (b),

Pa?a Çelik ve Erhan Öztürk Guitar Duo olarak 2015 y?l?nda ba?layan Manouche Odyssey, efsanevi müzisyenler Django Reinhart ve Stephane Grapelli'nin temellerini att??? jazz manouche müzi?ini kendilerine yol edinmi?lerdir.Grubun repertuar?nda jazz manouche klasiklerinin yan? s?ra çe?itli tarzlardaki bir çok farkl? ve e?elenceli beste yer almaktad?r.

Manouche Odyssey, formed in 2015 by Pa?a Çelik and Erhan Öztürk, started out as a jazz manoucheduo, following the footprints of the legendary musicians Django Reinhart and Stephane Grapelli. The duo's repertoire includes jazz manouche classics as well as many different and entertaining compositions in various styles.

Giri?: 40 TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

28 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Sal? (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

Organic Expeditions Trio

Önder Focan (g), Kaan B?y?ko?lu (org), Ekin Cengizkan (d).

Önder Focan'?n Hammond projesi 1997 y?l?nda ABD'li orgcu Sam Yahel ve genç neslin en be?enilen ünlü davulcular?ndan Bill Stewart ile "Beneath the Stars" adl? albümü Blue Note etiketi ile piyasaya ç?karmas? ile ba?lam??t?. Çok be?enilen bu albümden sonra, bu tarz müzi?in Türkiye'deki yegane temsilcisi oldu?u için önemli bir bo?lu?u dolduran bu proje zaman içinde ülkemizin önde gelen isimleri ve yurt d???ndan önemli konuklarla devam etti. Bu kez yeni bir yap?lanma ile yine ayn? heyecan? sürdürmeye kararl? olan grup, Hollanda'da caz piyano e?itimi ald??? süre içerisinde bir yandan Hammond çal??m?? olan Kaan B?y?ko?lu ve davulda Ekin Cengizkan ile birlikte yoluna devam ediyor.

Giri? 40.-TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

Önder Focan's "Hammond Project" took off with the release of the album "Beneath the Stars" from the Blue Note label in 1997 which featured leading musicians from the USA: organist Sam Yahel, and Bill Stewart who is one of the most popular and beloved drummers of the younger generation. After this most appreciated recording, which filled a crucial void for being the sole exemplar of this musical genre in Turkey, the project continued through the years with several leading Turkish musicians and important international guests. Determined to sustain the excitement at its inception, this time the band continues its journey with a new formation including Kaan B?y?ko?lu who studied the Hammond organ meanwhile studying jazz piano in the Netherlands, and the young drummer Ekin Cengizkan.

Music Charge: 40.-TL

29 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Çar?amba (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

Sibel Demir Band

Sibel Demir (vo), Maya Muz (p), Yark?n Tuncer (b), Ekin Cengizkan (d).

Sibel Demir 1991 y?l?nda ?stanbul'da do?du. Müzi?e 2005'te ?stanbul Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuvar? Koro ?ark?c?l??? bölümünde ba?lad?. 2009 y?l?nda ayn? okulun Opera bölümünde lisans e?itimine devam etti.Rezonans, Borusan ve Sirene korolar?nda yer ald?. Opera e?itimine devam ederken caz'a ilgi duymaya ba?lad?. 2014 y?l?nda Sibel Köse ile caz vokal çal??malar?na ba?lad?. 2015' te ?stanbul Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuvar?ndan mezun oldu.2016 Nardis jazz club vokal yar??mas?nda 46.Pulawy jazz workshop ödülü kazand?.Halen klasik ?an ve caz vokal çal??malar?n? sürdürmektedir.

Giri? 40.-TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

Born in ?stanbul in 1991, Sibel Demir started studying music in 2005 at the Istanbul Universty Stated Conservatory in the chorust program in 2009.She continued her BA in their opera program.She has been active in the Rezonans, Borusan and SIrene Choruses.During her studies at the Conservatory she also became interested in Jazz. Sibel has been attending the Sibel Köse jazz vocalist workshop since 2014 and in 2016 won a place in the 46th annuel Pulawy jazz workshop in Poland in the Nardis Jazz Club young vocalist competition. Sibel continues to study and perform both jazz and classical music.

Music Charge: 40.-TL

30 Kas?m / Nov. 2017 Per?embe (21:30-00:30) - scroll down for English

Ay?e Tütüncü Band

Ay?e Tütüncü (p), Sinan Alt?parmak (g), Enver Muhamedi (b), Berkan Tilavel (d).

Ses bire?iminde hem piyano, hem de elektrogitar? bar?nd?ran grup, repertuar?nda a??rl?kla Ay?e Tütüncü'nün bestelerine, ayn? zamanda da grup üyeleri Sinan Alt?parmak ve Enver Muhamedi'nin parçalar?na yer veriyor. Piyanoda Ay?e Tütüncü, elektrogitarda Sinan Alt?parmak, kontrbasta Enver Muhamedi ve davulda Hakan K?l?ço?lu veya Berkan Tilavel'den olu?an grup Marcel Khalife ve Michel Petrucianni gibi ustalardan da parça yorumlayacak.

Giri? 40.-TL, Ö?renci: 25 TL

The band brings piano and electric guitar together. Their repertoire mainly includes Ay?e Tütüncü's compositions but they also perform tunes by group members Sinan Alt?parmak and Enver Muhamedi. They will also be performing music by Marcel Khalife and Michel Petrucianni.

Music Charge: 40.-TL


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