Lloyd Newson, of the notorious DV8 Physical Theatre, in Istanbul for a mock-audition as part of Dance Platform Istanbul...
Dance Platform Istanbul is a multi-track international performance, training and production platform that provides an opportunity for Istanbul audience to meet world-renowned dance artists for the first time as well as presenting brand new creations by local choreographers.Bringing together all choreographers, directors, performers, designers, cultural managers, academicians and researchers working in the fields of contemporary dance and classical ballet in Turkey, the 8-day festival between 15-22 September will accommodate by day a comprehensive program of technique classes, master-classes, workshops, talks, seminars, panel discussions and film screenings while incorporating by night a series of special performances. With the support of several embassies and foreign cultural institutes, the project also hosts a special residency program called DanceLAB, which allows a number of European choreographers to collaborate with Turkish dance artists and collectives, based in Istanbul.In September, Dance Platform Istanbul will be welcoming Lloyd Newson -- the founder and artistic director of the notorious DV8 Physical Theatre, which has been honored with fifteen awards in last five years including a Prix Italia and a Rose D'Or. Subjecting a whole group of local and foreign dancers to a mock-audition that simulates his own creation process, Newson will be sharing the major premises of his one-of-a-kind approach to the art of dance with the participants on the one hand, while contributing to their professional development by giving feedback on their performances on the other. Accompanying Newson in conducting the mock-audition is one of the numerous brilliant dancers and instructors of DV8 Physical Theatre, Hannes Langolf.
Place: CRR Concert Hall
Time: 19 September 2010, Sunday, 12:30-19:30
For information/application, please write to: ep@istanbul2010.org
Photo Credit: Matt Nettheim