Auditions have been announced for Theatre Tulsa's production of Eugene O'Neill's Pulitzer Prize winning masterpiece, Long Day's Journey Into Night. Auditions will be held at Theatre Tulsa's offices on Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. Those who wish to audition are asked to prepare an optional 1 minute monologue and bring a resume and head-shot if they have one available. Otherwise, cuttings from the script will be provided for cold readings.
Long Day's Journey Into Night takes place in the living room of a summer house in 1912, and unfolds during the space of one day; from morning until midnight. This autobiographical work details the tortured family background that shaped The Life of its author, Eugene O'Neill. The plays characters include James Tyrone, Sr., a patriarch and retired actor who is well off, but a confirmed miser. His eldest son Jamie is a drunk, and his youngest son, Edmund, has tuberculosis. The matriarch of this colorful family, Mary, is a drug addict. The mother's addiction is a result of James Sr. sending her to a second-rate doctor. Jamie drinks from sheer frustration, while the old man has never been able to get over his magnified respect for money induced by an impoverished childhood. Even the illness of the Edmund, quite obviously the author, is being treated by the cheapest local physician, and the father is planning to send him to a state sanatorium where he will hopefully expire expensively. The
characters speak in the everyday language of our neighbors; their emotions rise and fall with the absurd devotion to insignificant things which provoke so many quarrels; these are all dimensional characters trying desperately to keep their doomed household together.
Long Days Journey Into Night will be performed at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center in the John. H. Williams Theater May 15-17, 2009 and May 21-23, 2009. Tickets may be purchased at 587-8402, 596-7109, or online at
All of the roles will be cast at auditions. Actors of all ages and backgrounds are encouraged to audition. The cast of characters are as follows:
James Tyrone, Sr.: Age 50-70
Mary Cavan Tyrone: Age 45-60
James "Jamie" Tyrone, Jr.: Age 25-30
Edmund Tyrone: Age 20-25
Cathleen: Age 17-25
Theatre Tulsa's production of Long Day's Journey Into Night will be directed by Carrie Clevenger-Gwartney and co-directed and produced by Nathan Gwartney. Carrie and Nathan have produced, directed, acted, and designed for theaters throughout the United States for the past 15 years. Both of them hold Bachelor of Arts degrees in Theatre from Northeastern State University and Masters of Arts degrees in Theatre from Oklahoma State University.
Auditions for Long Day's Journey Into Night will be held at Theatre Tulsa's offices on Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. Theatre Tulsa's offices are located at 207 N Main Street in downtown Tulsa's Brady District. For more information, call (918) 587-8402 or visit
Theatre Tulsa is a proud member of the Tulsa Area Community Theatre Alliance, Tulsa Arts & Humanities Council, and the Oklahoma Community Theatre Association.
This production made possible by the Oklahoma Arts Council, the Arts & Humanities Council of Tulsa, The George Kaiser Family Foundation, The Williams Companies, Urban Tulsa Weekly, Dale Gillman Antiques, Donna Simmons/Tulsa Tech Broken Arrow and all the proud sponsors of Theatre Tulsa.