Auditions for Night of January 16th, a murder mystery dramedy by Ayn Rand, will be held Monday and Tuesday Nov 16-17 at 7PM at Stone Canyon Elementary School, located at 7305 N. 177th East Ave in Owasso (way east on 76th street from Hwy 169). Many adult male and females needed. No preparation is required for auditions. Performances will be Thursday Jan 21 through Saturday Jan 23, 2010. Directed by George Romero. For more information visit, call 237-1656, or email to
A murder mystery with a twist, Night of January 16th by Ayn Rand, will keep you guessing. Who killed Bjorn Faulkner? You be the judge - no - you are the jury! Based on courtroom testimonies, drama, and comedy presented by the cast members, the guilt or innocence of the accused will actually be decided each performance by a jury selected from the audience.Videos