The Nightingale Theater has a number of upcoming shows in their current season, including WONT FLEW OVER THE CUCKOOS NEST, DEAR NUBULON, and THE DRINKING GAME.
WONG FLEW OVER THE CUCKOOS NEST Started initially as Wong's personal exploration of mental illness among Asian American women. Asian women have the highest rates of suicide in a highly unpublicized statistic. The show itself examines larger themes of human isolation, "fiction" as a mode of cultural and psychic survival, and satirically skewers the bureaucracy of low-income mental health services. Despite the somber subject, the show is quite funny and is a great way to engage audiences to think about mental health issues in their community. This serio-comic, swear-to-god-not autobiographical show was created from the support of three major arts funders - NPN, Creative Capital and the NEA.The production will play February 26 and February 27 at 8 PM. The show lasts 2 hours.
This production features an original translation by local scholar Amy Page Wilson, and is adapted for the stage by John Cruncleton. Wilson and Cruncleton's last collaborative foray into the world of Ancient Greece was 2006's "The Cyclops", an original translation and shadow-puppet adaptation of Euripides' satyr play. Performances will begin at 8 PM and run until 10 PM.
Tickets for these productions will be $10, with $7 discount tickets available to members and students for WONG FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST and DEAR NEBULON. To order tickets or to find out more, visit online at or call (918) 633-8666. The Nightingale Theater is located at 1416 East Fourth Street.