How to Manifest in the Sunshine and be Happy
an original shadow-play by John Cruncleton
(with apologies to the Egyptian Book of the Dead)
July 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, and 24
8:00pm, $8 for adults, $5 for children 12 and under
How do one ill-fated cat and his unfortunate keeper conquer death and create a rich afterlife? It's not easy working with bureaucratic gods using only half of the Afterlife Manual. Do you want to know what happens at the end of the story? The Ancient Egyptians, more than anyone, can explain How to Manifest in the Sunshine and be Happy. Fun shadow puppet shenanigans for the whole family!
Produced in conjunction with Philbrook Museum's current exhibit, To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures
Nightingale Theater
1416 East 4th Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74120
1.5 Blocks East of Peoria on 4th