Muskogee Little Theatre is proud to present the classic production "To Kill A Mockingbird" adapted from Harper Lee's powerful Pulitzer Prize winning novel.
Remaining dates of production October 22, 23 24. Curtain is 8:00 p.m.
To Kill A Mockingbird is a faithful reproduction of Ms. Lee's novel. She describes the play as "a love story, pure and simple": love for the South, a father's love for his children and their love for him. The story is about dignity, tolerance and the difficulties of growing up in a ruaal community in Alabama during the depression year of 1935. It is told through the eyes of Scout, the tomboyish daughter of Atticus. She wonders why the black folks have a special feeling for her father and why her white friends are hostile to her. Why is her father defending a black man who was wrongfully accused of raping a white woman?
To Kill A Mockingbird is a powerful and well knit production and a meaningful work of art.
It is directed by guest director Vanessa Adams-Harris.
Advance tickets may be reserved at Soundworld, 918-683-4901. Tickets may also be avialable at the theatre box-office, if not sold-out. Ticket prices are $14 for adults and $10 for students.
To Kill A Mockingbird is sponsored by Empower Change and with the assistance of the Oklahoma Arts Council. For additional information visit