Joann's Struggling Soul by Dr. Rodney L. Clark- March 13-14 & 19-20 at Helmerich Theatre at Cassia Hall, 2520 S. Yorktown, in Tulsa
JoAnn's Stuggling Soul by Dr. Rodney L. Clark is based on the biblical version of the book of Job. This modern day African-American gospel musical adaptation finds God and Satan discussing faithful pastor, educator, wife and mother of ten JoAnn, living a very good life. Satan gets God's permission to send JoAnn through trials and tribulations which results in her becoming homeless. JoAnn's so-called friends comfort her and give her unsolicited advice, but she keeps her faith in God who eventually restores her losses and expands her empire. Show times are 8 p.m. nightly on March 13, 14, 20, 21, 200 at the Cascia Hall Performing Arts Center, Helmerich Theatre, 2520 S. Yorktown (enter at the Utica Ave entrance). Advance admission is $ 15 Adults; $ 12.50 students. Tickets can be purchased at or at Ralph's Mens Wear, 736 E. 36th S. N., Tulsa, OK, 918.425-3933.
This production is funded in part by the Oklahoma Arts Council and the George Kaiser Family Foundation.