On May 14 and 15 the Heller Theatre will present Bertolt Brecht's The Good Woman of Setzuan. Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for seniors/students, and can be purchased by calling 918-746-5065 or visiting www.hellertheatre.com. The Heller Theatre at Henthorne Park is located at 4825 S. Quaker Street.
One of the classic plays of world literature, The Good Woman of Setzuan tells a story both fantastic and hilariously real. When three gods come to earth in search of a good person, they encounter Shen Teh, a good-hearted but penniless woman of the night. They reward her kindness with enough money to open her own tobacco shop. Soon, however, Shen Teh discovers that her kindness is threatening to drive her out of business. She invents a male alter ego, Shui Ta, to deal ruthlessly with the business of living in an evil world.Home of the Laughing Matter Improv Troupe and many fine community theatre productions, Heller Theatre presented its first production, Falling in Love With Love, in October 1981. Long-time patrons of Tulsa community theatre will remember Ken Spence, the first director of Heller's theatre program.
Originally established in a partnership with Theater Tulsa, the hard-working and gifted staff of Heller have earned a reputation for producing quality contemporary and often cutting-edge material. Side-splitting comedy and thought-provoking drama take place in a very intimate 50-seat black box setting. The audience is too close for anything but the very best performances, and over the years Heller's patrons have learned to expect fine work.Videos