Thanks to the generosity of companies and individuals, Tulsa Parks will be expanding their Summer Day Camps. Henthorne Performing Arts Center will now have one additional session of theatre camp. All other sessions are full. This is a great opportunity for children ages 8 (must have completed 2nd grade) to 14 who are interested in getting involved in theatre. The camp includes classes on acting, dancing, and other performance skills. Registration is available at Henthorne Park, 4825 S. Quaker. Enrollment is limited to 40 students.
The cost is $150 per two week session. The dates for the additional summer theatre camps at Henthorne Park are July 26 - August 6.Classes begin at 8:30 am and end at 4:30 pm. The camp has early drop off at 7:30 am and late pick up at 5:30 pm. Children will need to bring a sack lunch each day. There will be performances for family and friends the last two days of each session beginning at 5:15 and lasting until 6:30.Videos