50 Swats presents THE GRACE PROJECT from January 15 to 30.
Death is the theme in this brand-new show from the writers' group 50swats, commissioned by Tulsa's own Grace Hospice. Short-form scenes and monologues examine the nature of death, in pieces alternately funny, disturbing, touching, and absurd. "The challenge of creating an entertaining bit of theater out of such a serious and daunting subject has been hard," offers one 50swats writer, "but if you can't laugh at necrophilia then the terrorists have won."January 15, 16, 22, 23, 29 & 30 at 8:00pm
Admission: $8
THE GRACE PROJECT at the Nightingale Theater located on 1416 E. 4th Street, in Tulsa, OK 74120. 918-633-8666.
For information, please contact info@nightingaletheater.com or visit www.nightingaletheater.com