The Gray: A Wilde Musical is inspired by Oscar Wilde’s classic, that follows Dorian Gray, a young singer-songwriter determined to be a star, as he enters the hottest rock nightclub in Toronto’s Gay Village in the late 70s, David's Disco. Catching the eye of Basil, a closeted photographer, Dorian gets a picture taken of himself which he soon becomes obsessed with, and the power it holds over others. After the club’s owner, Henry, makes Dorian the Disco’s headline act and corrupts him into the dark side of nightlife culture, Dorian notices the once beautiful image turning into his inescapable nightmare. Based on the series of real-life unsolved homicides, missing queer people, and the fire at David’s Disco in Toronto’s Gay Village during the 70s, Dorian’s journey merges this historical setting with Wilde’s timeless tale of morality and the relentless pursuit of beauty. With an original score inspired by the legendary genre of glam rock, The Gray explores self-expression, generational queer trauma, and what it means to find home in LGBTQ+ spaces.
Brampton Concert Band & The Jazz Mechanics Featuring Lee Siegel
The Rose (2/23 - 2/23) | ||
The Darkest Dark
Young People's Theatre (2/10 - 3/16)
| ||
Lagunilla Mi Barrio
Centro Cultural Teatro II (1/18 - 3/9) | ||
Many Happy Returns
Danu Social House (11/26 - 3/18) | ||
Meridian Arts Centre – George Weston Recital Hall (3/8 - 3/8) | ||
Hypothetical Baby
Factory Theatre (2/22 - 3/8) | ||
Winter Solstice
Canadian Stage - Berkeley Street Theatre (1/14 - 2/2) | ||
Valentines Day Party 2025 hosted by Access Ballroom
Access Ballroom Studio (2/15 - 2/15) | ||
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