Due to overwhelming demand, the critically-acclaimed show for babies, One Thing Leads to Another, returns to Young People's Theatre (YPT) in January for the fourth season in a row before going on tour! An innovative work of theatre created specifically for infants, this production transforms everyday objects into fabulous, fanciful, theatrical phenomena as it engages, stimulates and delights babies and adults alike!
Developed from an original concept, research and theme by Maja Ardal in a collective collaboration by Ardal, Audrey Dwyer, Mary Francis Moore and Julia Tribe, One Thing Leads to Another received two Dora Mavor Moore Awards in 2016 for Outstanding New Play and Outstanding Performance, Ensemble. This production features performers Maja Ardal andMalindi Ayienga. One Thing Leads to Another will be presented in The Studio from January 12 to 25, 2019 (except January 19-20) and will tour to the following cities:
As they develop and thrive, infants use all of their senses to learn about the world. In this production, performers engage with these youngest of audience members using music, enticing visuals and tactile experiences. When the show is over, babies and caregivers can explore the set and experiment with objects from the play, enhancing their own individual experience. View a news video clip on One Thing Leads to Another.
For more information visit youngpeoplestheatre.ca