Created by Ryan Murphy, GLEE follows a group of teenagers at William McKinley High School in Ohio, who despite their differences, are brought together in a show choir, for their shared love of music and performing. Unlike other shows in the youth demographic, GLEE roots for the social outcasts and brings a positive message of accepting differences as what makes each individual special. In honor of the season finale tonight, May 22, BroadwayWorld brings you reflections from the cast and fans.
Curt Mega, 23, who plays a Warbler named Nick on GLEE, says it is the music that really makes GLEE special. “For me, musical theatre is not just about stopping and singing,” says Mega. “When words fall short, letting music express even further part of the story, even deeper part. It’s the one place where all the characters are free to completely express themselves and are often encouraged to.” Mega says it is the music that resonates with the fans of the show. “It is the expression that goes beyond words.”
Check out the full Interview with Curt Mega here:
GLEE’s message of bringing different people together for the love of music continues to inspire fans, known as “Gleeks,” to make significant changes in their lives. 17-year-old high school student Duhin Nanda of Mississauga, Ontario, was inspired by the show to start his own community show choir for youth. For others, the show has helped them in their personal lives. Two friends who were brought together because of their love for GLEE, Amanda Gauvin, 21, and Leanne Supleve, 25, of Toronto, credit the show for helping them overcome personal issues such as bullying.
The following video features interviews with these three fans, who share their stories of how GLEE has inspired them in their own lives.
Photo of Duhin Nanda and fellow member of the Mississauga Glee Club
Story by Alfonso Espina