Ryerson Theatre School presents Summerfolk, written by Maxim Gorky. The performance will take place in the Ryerson Theatre located at 43 Gerrard Street East, Toronto. Directed by Dean Gilmour, the cast consists of the graduating class of Ryerson's four- year BFA Acting program. Guest artists for this performance include Joanna Yu as Costume Designer and Ryerson alum Kevin Fraser as Lighting Designer. The show will run tonight, October 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, Nov 1 and 2 at 8 p.m.
Written in 1904, Maxim Gorky's Summerfolk focuses on the hopes and anxieties of a variety of the usual suspects: doctors and lawyers, writers and students, businessmen and servants, lovers and unhappy wives. At a gArden Party hosted by Varvara (Elysia White), arguments break out, alcohol is devoured, suicide is attempted, and nearly everyone laments their lives. Some are frightened by the prospect of change, some are angry and some yearn for a new life. Relationships are put to the test, infidelity is revealed and scandals abound.
Ticket prices: $18/ General; $14/Student; $12/Group (8 or more). Call the Box Office at 416-979-5118.
Director, Dean Gilmour graduated from the University of Windsor with a BFA degree in Dramatic Arts in 1976 and immediately traveled to Paris, France to attend the School of Jacques Lecoq. Since then he has created, directed and performed in 40 Theatre Smith-Gilmour productions. He has performed in Toronto, across Canada and in 11 countries around the world. Theatre Smith-Gilmour has been nominated for 39 Dora Mavor Moore Awards and has won 9 times. Dean received 2 Dora Awards for best director, 2 for best actor, 2 for best production and one for best new play. Dean is a professor at York University and is a member of the teaching staff at the Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning. He has taught at the University of Toronto, University of Calgary, University of Alberta, George Brown College, The National Theatre School, L.S.P.U. Hall in St. Johns, Newfoundland, Sault Youth Theatre, Chemnitz National Theatre, Germany, the Sibiu InterNational Theatre Festival, Romania, Hong Kong Cultural Arts Centre, Portland State University in Portland, Oregon and the Shanghai Drama Academy. He has directed at George Brown College, Humber College, York University, University of Toronto, and University of Alberta and has been invited twice to give Master Classes at the Magnetic North Festival.