William Shakespeare. We performed him in drama class, poured over theory on him in English class. Hoisted him onto a throne of theatrical and literary legacy. Yet he was human. Human like the rest of us. A human being that we will look at through a staged reading of, "The Most Humorous and Tragic Tale of William Shakespeare's Shakespeare." An original iambic pentameter written piece on the life and times of William Shakespeare from his career as a playwright to his love story with Anne to his final moments. More than just a satirical telling, at it's heart is a look at Shakespeare as he asks himself the questions that we all think about and in some way fear. What legacy will I leave when I am gone and what if I lived my life differently? What if regret is all I have left when exit this world?
After a successful staged reading with great and valuable feedback. Now I am Dead Productions is back with a work in progress run through of THE MOST HUMOROUS AND TRAGIC TALE OF William Shakespeare'S SHAKESPEARE. No scripts and with more elaborate staging and costumes, this is part 2 of our creative performance process as we invite you to share in our work. Feel free to email us feedback on our work at nowiamdeadprod@gmail.com
TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-most-humorous-and-tragic-tale-of-william-shakespeares-shakespeare-tickets-51798249960:
$13.00 GENERAL ADMISSION plus ticketing fees
$10.00 STUDENT, SENIOR AND ARTSWORKERS plus ticketing fees