Barry Hughson, Executive Director of The National Ballet of Canada, today announced that due to the unprecedented pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19), all performances of Romeo and Juliet as well as In Studio classes and events are cancelled effective immediately.
"The National Ballet of Canada's primary concern is the health and safety of our artists, staff, patrons and community as the company monitors the COVID-19 situation," says Mr. Hughson. "Due to these unprecedented circumstances beyond our control, The National Ballet of Canada has concluded that it is necessary to cancel the balance of the run of Romeo and Juliet, starting with tonight's performance. In doing so we are following the recommendation against large events and public gatherings issued today by Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health. The Ontario recommendation is consistent with those of leading public health authorities including the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Leading cultural organizations across North America are taking similar cancellation steps. We currently anticipate proceeding with our June season and will share updates as we continue to monitor the evolving situation. We are grateful for your understanding."
All Romeo and Juliet ticket holders will be contacted by our Audience and Donor Services Department regarding ticketing options.
Please visit or follow us @nationalballet for the latest updates.