Flow Fest is Diva Day's inaugural festival of new works, featuring original pieces from five female-identifying artists offering new perspectives on theatre, music, and dance! Diva Day seeks to elevate female and gender-marginalized voices in the Canadian artistic landscape to then empower women's education in Kenya. Flow Fest presents excerpts from four new works (two plays, one musical, and one dance piece), with 100% of the proceeds going directly to Diva Day 2019. This July and August, 1,000 young Kenyan period-havers will receive a DivaCup, an educational Diva Day Handbook, and a two-day empowerment workshop on anatomy, the menstrual cycle, self-care, and overcoming shame.
This final event in the Diva Day fundraising season is 7PM on June 24th, 2019 at Alumnae Theatre. Advance tickets are $25 ($15 student/arts worker), available for purchase at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/flow-fest-tickets-61663110022. Tickets are also available at the door for $28 ($18 student/arts worker).
Diva Day presents:
Please Stand Clear of the Doors is series of dance vignettes, tied together by a common theme of riding the subway and the endless possibilities that entails. Each vignette explores a different theme, idea and/or experience. What the specifics of those may be is left to the viewer to interpret, as many of us do in day to day life when confronted with a sea of faces we most likely will never see again; each rider's experience unique and unknown to those around them. From the shores of the ocean, to the sea of the city subway; a transition that is enough to make anyone feel existential.
Ruth is about to undergo a Hysterectomy. As she prepares herself for her procedure, the audience is brought on the journey she has had with her turbulent organ: the uterus. From her first period to when she finds out she is pregnant, Ruth unfolds the inner workings of her connection to the uterus and her ever elusive cervix. This play is a reflection on the deep connection a woman can have to her body and how sometimes that body can betray her.
The Walrus follows the lives of Tusk and Bear, two young and willful survivors in the dying world of the Arctic Wastes. When adults dictate the way the world should be, how does that affect the children they leave to live in it? Who decides who lives and who dies? When children are left alone to clean up irreversible messes, how do they navigate growing up? Told through the eyes of the very world we are killing, Nature and Future collide head-on in this new Canadian musical written by Kelsi James & Dharma Bizier.
Pinkie Promise is the story of Thero, an abandoned imaginary friend, revisited by Rosie, Thero's now grown-up kid. Thero wants to pick up where they left off, but Rosie comes in need of advice- she is pregnant, and does not want to be. Thero must guide Rosie to the answers she needs to hear about her pregnancy. This is a pro-choice story told through the lens of child-like play, a story about loving oneself, a story about imagination. This is the story that would make Sam Oosterhoff very, very upset.
For more information about Flow Fest or Diva Day's initiatives, visit ddivaday.org or @ddivaday on Instagram. Help us create space for women's voices to flourish, all in support of empowering women's education.