Bodied, directed by Joseph Kahn and produced by Eminem, Paul Rosenberg and Adi Shankar has been selected as the Midnight Madness Opening Night Film at the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival.
Bodied is a satirical exploration of the world's most artistically brutal sport - battle rapping. The film focuses on race relations as a graduate student becomes embroiled in the world of battle rap for his thesis.
From Shankar: "We meet certain people through the course of our lives who have a tectonic impact on us. These individuals guide us and then challenge us to become the best version of ourselves. That person for me has been Joseph Kahn. He's believed in me as an artist, been generous with his knowledge, and forced me to push my creative boundaries."
About Shankar:
Showrunner for the current Netflix hit, Castlevania. Adi announced recently that Ubisoft has tapped him to create an original story for the upcoming anime series of Assassin's Creed. He is known for his work as producer on films like Dredd and Lone Survivor, in addition to being the youngest producer to have a number one film at the North American box office with The Grey. He has directed viral hits The Punisher: Dirty Laundry, Venom: Truth in Journalism and Power/Rangers.